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Top 10 Best Farmers Markets in New York


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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New York's open-air farmers' markets are filled with garden-harvested fruits and vegetables. Here you will find freshly baked bread and other products of our own production. Whether you're looking for ready-made picnic baskets to take to your favorite New York City parks, or just need to stock up on groceries for your home, these markets will fill your needs, says Time-out.

1. Union Square Green Market

Here you will find yourself among the best chefs choosing products for culinary masterpieces. All year round, this market sells seasonal fruits and vegetables, farm cheeses, breads, fresh cut flowers, wine and more. In addition to shopping, visitors are encouraged to watch or participate in cooking demonstrations or other weekly events. Come here on Mondays, Wednesdays, Fridays and Saturdays from 8 am to 6 pm.

2. Grand army plaza

Head to the market at Brooklyn's Grand Army Square for fresh produce every Saturday from 8am to 3pm. It is the second largest open-air market after Union Square Greenmarket. Here you can buy baked goods from Baker's Bounty, as well as local fruits, vegetables, dairy products and meats from farmers in New Jersey, Connecticut and upstate New York.

On the subject: Selected products that used to be sold only to restaurants are now available to New Yorkers.

3. wholesale green market

This market in Hunts Point has over 100 types of products to purchase. Most fruits, vegetables, herbs, plants and flowers are harvested 24 hours before sale to ensure optimum freshness. And wholesale prices will pleasantly surprise you. The market is open from April to December from Tuesday to Saturday from 2 pm to 8 pm.

Photo: Shutterstock

4. Bartel-Pritchard Square Greenmarket

Located on the southwest side of Prospect Park, the market is open all year round. Treat yourself to seasonal seafood (striped bass, flukes, porgs) from American Pride Seafood in Suffolk County. Or stock up on vegetables from Cumberland County, New Jersey. The market is open on Wednesdays from 8 am to 3 pm and on Sundays (from May 7 to December 12 from 9 am to 2 pm).

5. Morningside Park Down to Earth Farmers' Market

This is an upstate farmers' market that has been running since 2005. The range includes rustic bread, apple pies, extra virgin olive oil and pickled cucumbers. This green market is open on Saturdays from 9 am to 3 pm.

6. Corona Green Market

Every Friday from June 17 to November 17 from 8 am to 3 pm, you can take part in family activities at the market that show the benefits of eating fresh local fruits and vegetables. Market visitors can stock up on produce from the Corona farm, local eggs from the Mimomex farm, and daily pressed apple cider from the Wager's cider factory.

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7. Fort Greene Park

Along the edge of Fort Green Park, across from a row of mansions, stall vendors display carefully selected meats, breads, and other produce every Saturday from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. A changing line-up of local musicians adds a special atmosphere to the rich variety of cheeses and breads.

8. The New York Botanical Garden Farmers Market

This is a market where cooking classes are held and recipes are exchanged. The range goes far beyond the main products offering a wide selection of fruits and seasonal items. Even if you don't need anything, check out what's currently available at this vast fair. The market will open for the 2023 season on May 31 and will be open from 10 am to 3 pm.

9. Sunnyside Greenmarket

Every Saturday, Sunnysiders flock to this market for fresh dairy products, beef, fish, shellfish, pickled vegetables, eggs, wine made from local grapes, and other specialties. The market is located in close proximity to Lou Lodati Park. The food market is open from May to December from 8 am to 3 pm. And from 8 am to 2 pm from January to April.

Photo: Shutterstock

10. Elmhurst Green Market

Located near the entrance to Elmhurst Hospital, this small farmers' market delights hospital visitors and residents alike with a selection of seasonal vegetables, herbs, and fruits. The fair will run from June 13 from 8 am to 3 pm. This market is famous for local honey from the Apple State Hill Top family farm and pumpkin bread from Meredith's bakery.

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