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10 lesser-known parks in New York that will delight you


Olga Derkach

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There are 180 parks in the state of New York, and they are all worth seeing. However, there are many people who want to go, and the state’s popular parks are often too full of people to really relax and enjoy nature.

Photo: Shutterstock

But in New York there are charming little-known parks, in which there are not so many people, and nature is just mesmerizing, their list is compiled edition Only in your State.

1. Moreau State Park - Gansvoort

This charming park is tucked away in Saratoga County. Visitors can enjoy activities such as swimming, kayaking, fishing and hiking near the river. There are many campgrounds and tents in the park that can be rented. More information - by link.

2. Taconic State Park - Copake Falls

This park is located right near the New York-Massachusetts border. There is a beautiful campsite near the water, where guests can enjoy several activities on the water and on land. You can also take one of the hiking trails that will eventually lead you to the stunning Bash Bish Falls. More information - by link.

3. Cherry Plain State Park - Petersburg

This park covers nearly 200 acres (81 ha) and even has its own beach. This is an underestimated place by tourists, and it never gets too crowded. You can safely explore the trails, waterfalls or spend the night at one of the campgrounds. More information - by link.

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4. Sterling Forest State Park - Tuxedo Park

This park was created only about 20 years ago, but it will surprise you with its beauty. It has everything from the spectacular coast to secluded paths. More information - by link.

5. Allegany State Park - Salamanca

After the Adirondack, it is the largest park in New York - with an area of ​​approximately 65 acres (000 hectares). It is divided into two parts, each with its own incredible attractions, including amazing bike trails, hiking trails, towering rock formations, lakes, historic buildings and even a natural history museum. More information - by link.

6. Green Lakes State Park - Fayetteville

Onondaga County has one of the most unique lakes in the world, and it is around it that this park is created. This is one of the most visually stunning lakes around which you can walk or even swim in its waters. More information - by link.

7. Stony Brook State Park - Dunsville

The park boasts many hiking trails that will take you through gorges past beautiful waterfalls. Here you can also go rock climbing, admire the charming stone bridges or spend an unforgettable night at the campsite. More information - by link.

Photo: Shutterstock

8. Wildwood State Park - Wading River

Located in Suffolk County, the park looks like a living painting with endless ocean views and spectacular glacial formations. It is always fresh and pleasant to spend time in this park. More information - by link.

9. Point State Roche State Park - Plattsburgh

It is a lakeside park with a beach, many picnic areas and spectacular hiking trails. More information - by link.

10. Peebles Island State Park - Waterford

The island, which spans nearly 80 hectares along the confluence of the Hudson and Mohawk rivers, offers easy hiking trails with captivating views. Also in this park you can see a large number of animals. More information - by link.

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