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The medicine will be earlier than the vaccine: in the USA, they found an antibody to coronavirus with 100% efficiency


ForumDaily New York

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Specialists at Sorrento Therapeutics have analyzed billions of types of antibodies collected over the past decade, and found the only one that can completely destroy the coronavirus. The founder of the company Henry G told about this discovery. "Focus".

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Scientists at the biopharmaceutical company Sorrento Therapeutics in San Diego, California, claim to have discovered an antibody that can completely block the coronavirus and remove it from the human body within three days.

The company's specialists analyzed billions of antibodies collected during research over the past decade, and selected hundreds of them that could fight SARS-CoV-2. Later, 12 of the most suitable candidates were selected from them, and in the end, scientists discovered an antibody called STI-1499, which is able to provide “100% inhibition” of the coronavirus.

“We emphasize that this is a medicine. Found a solution that works 100%, ”said Henry G.

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“When an antibody prevents a virus from entering a human cell, the virus cannot survive. If it cannot enter the cell, it cannot reproduce. Therefore, this means that if we prevent the virus from entering the cell, the virus will eventually die out, ”he added.

The scientist noted that so far the tests were carried out only in laboratory conditions, so the company can not begin to develop a medicine. However, he believes that if necessary permits are obtained, an effective medicine will be received several months earlier than the vaccine, and it can be used as a preventive therapy.

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