20 interesting and useful phrases in English
ForumDaily New York
You can learn English, but you need to improve it all your life. There are many words and phrases that can be translated incorrectly, thereby losing the essence. Especially for its readers, ForumDaily New York has collected 20 of the most interesting phrases that will help in communicating with Americans.
Some of these words will be useful in friendly communication, some will help to establish a connection with a new acquaintance. But both those and others will be very useful in any case.
- Cabin Fever - Go crazy in four walls
- Pig Out - Eat Meat
- Willy Nilly - From the bay-flounder, mindlessly
- To split hairs - Find fault with the little things
- Rain or shine - By all means
- Playing Hooky - To walk
- Over the Moon - Not seventh heaven
- Not in the cards - Not destined, unlikely
- On a shoestring - For a penny
- To plant a seed - Plant an idea
- Take in to the bank - The Truth
- On its last legs - On its last legs
- Open a can of worms - Face a lot of trouble
- Happy Camper - Rejoice
- To cover a lot of ground - Discuss many topics
- Put out fires - Solve urgent problems
- Bend over backwards - Climb over backwards
- Spread yourself too thin - Spread yourself
- Dig your heels in - Stand your ground
- A taste of own medicine - Pay back with the same coin
Look for more interesting information about the English language and its study in a special project ForumDaily "English".