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5 rules of life in New York: tips for beginners from a Ukrainian immigrant


ForumDaily New York

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These rules will help you quickly adapt to life in New York and succeed in a new place. Information has been published on the website.

Photo: Shutterstock

A Ukrainian woman living in New York told how newbies in the Big Apple should behave.

These five rules will help you quickly get comfortable in a new place:

  1. Gotta be fast

New York does not forgive slowness. Here you need to think quickly, act and talk. If you allow yourself to be slow, you will not have much time, and other people will "eat all the tastiest."

  1. Need to be sociable

Moreover, it is important not only to make new acquaintances, but also to be effective in this. “Ukrainians, Russians, Belarusians are quite restrained. We love to say whatever we think. If we are not in the mood, we do not communicate. And if there is, then we want to talk with a separate category of people, and not with everyone, ”the author notes.

However, in New York, things are different. The small talk rule applies here. “A stranger anywhere (elevator, metro, shopping center, street) can talk to you on any topic. As a Ukrainian girl, I am sometimes annoyed by such an entry into personal space, - the author shares. - Because I may be in a bad mood, I have not woken up yet, I have no desire to communicate. However, living in this city and in this country, I have to respect the culture of Americans and stick to it, even if some features are not to my liking. "

  1. Need to take more from life

In New York, there is a rule called “Go and get”. It is not surprising, because this is one of the leading cities in the world, where there are many opportunities for self-development and earnings. “All this should be used. If you don’t want to, be lazy to use it, then in principle, your life does not have much meaning here. And it will not be any different from the life you led before moving, ”the author believes.

On the subject: The first Ukrainian book club in the city appeared in New York

  1. Keep calm

Not worrying about the little things is another rule that all beginners should adhere to in order not only to survive, but also to succeed. “The life of an emigrant is not sugar here. Especially if you have recently moved here, you have poor command of the language, and you have not yet studied the inner cuisine of the city, ”the author notes.

But forewarned is forearmed. You just have to be prepared for the fact that you will have enough reasons for stress here. “Starting from the minus on the card and ending with the fact that at work they tell you something and you don’t understand at all what they want from you,” the author warns.

If you react too sharply to everything and take it to heart, this can only lead to a nervous breakdown. “Therefore, try to attach as little importance to stressful situations as possible and learn to be indifferent,” she recommends.

  1. It must be remembered that everyone is equal here.

In New York, it doesn't matter if you are a janitor or a qualified lawyer. Because here everyone is equal. “If you think that wearing a fashionable Louis Vuitton bag and visiting a prestigious restaurant, you can look down on people and treat everyone like a lord, then you are deeply mistaken,” the author notes. "The city makes everyone equal and does not distinguish between rich and poor." So when you move to New York, remember that politeness and good manners are the main traits of a New Yorker.

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