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Seven unusual and free things to do in New York



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If you want to visit New York, but are afraid that it is too expensive, then this selection is for you. Edition Tourist Offers 7 exciting and free entertainment in the largest US city.

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Here's a list of things you can do in New York without spending a cent.

  1. Swim in the Astoria Pool
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The Astoria Pool is the largest US pool located between the Robert F. Kennedy (formerly Triborough) and New York Hell Gate bridges. It offers scenic views of the surroundings. It is an ideal place to cool off in the hot summer. Such a pleasure is completely free.

  1. Take a ferry ride

Staten Island Ferry is a passenger ferry service whose ships operate scheduled flights between New York City, in particular Manhattan and Staten Island. Embark on this journey to see the beautiful scenery of Manhattan, the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. You will also have the opportunity to stroll around Staten Island.

  1. Visit a street cinema

A great option to spend a summer evening in the fresh air is to visit the open-air cinema. Huge screens are installed in the Big Apple parks, so grab a blanket and come to rest after long walks during the day watching a movie.

  1. Ride on the rink
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New York has something to offer tourists and residents not only in the warm season, but also in winter. Bryant Park has the only free ice rink in town. Various free events are also held here, so you definitely will not be bored.

On the subject: Top 10 New York City's Top Attractions

  1. Visit the stand-up show

If you want to have fun as much as possible, then visit one of the many stand-up shows in New York. In America, this humorous genre is well developed. Many comedians, seeking to gain the experience of public speaking, perform on the so-called open microphones. You can visit them for free. In addition, you have a chance to get to the performance of famous comedians.

  1. Doing yoga

A healthy lifestyle is now in trend. Especially in a metropolis like New York. Therefore, free yoga classes are often held here in parks, on rooftops and in other places throughout the city.

  1. Visit SummerStage
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SummerStage is a music festival held in the summer in New York City parks. Famous artists often perform here, and visiting some concerts is free of charge. You do not need to stand in the crowd: lie down on a plaid near the stage and enjoy good music and a pleasant stay in one of the most wonderful cities on the planet.

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