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Adams asks for early start of his corruption trial before next mayoral election


ForumDaily New York

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams is eager to end his corruption and bribery lawsuits early and focus on his reelection campaign this spring, according to ABC.

In a letter sent to a federal judge on Nov. 11, Adams' attorney Alex Spiro asked for the trial to begin April 1, rather than April 23, as scheduled.

"An earlier trial date will ensure that Mayor Adams' right to a speedy trial is respected. It will allow him to fully engage in his re-election campaign and will free the voters of this city from a distraction. Voters will hear and judge the Democratic candidates for mayor on their merits," Spiro wrote.

Charges and court delays

Adams accused in September for accepting illegal campaign contributions from a Turkish official, allegedly promising him political benefits in exchange for the measures.

Adams He pleaded not guilty and insisted that he would remain in his post while the trial was ongoing.

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At a hearing earlier this month, prosecutors said they would be prepared for trial whenever it was scheduled. They said they were still sifting through mountains of seized records and had yet to gain access to Adams’s personal cellphone. The mayor changed the password on his device just before turning it over to authorities and then claimed to have forgotten it.

The current schedule calls for a verdict to be handed down in late May, leaving the mayor little time to clear his name.

"Given the realities of the news and election cycles, an earlier trial date is not only feasible, it is necessary," Spiro said.

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