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Like Shazam, but for paintings: Russian-speaking couple create an app that recognizes works of art


ForumDaily New York

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Russian-speaking developers Zhenya and Vasily Bereza have come up with an interesting startup. The Art Cracker app recognizes paintings and architecture, and tells stories about cultural objects using artificial intelligence.

The application has already been downloaded by ten thousand people. Very soon it will also turn into a full-fledged audio guide. Then you will no longer have to buy audio assistants in museums. You will have your own audio guide, which will be embedded in your smartphone absolutely free of charge.

Art Cracker - is an application where artificial intelligence connects with love for artists and faith in humanity. It's like Shazam, but not about music, but about works of art. You point your smartphone camera at a painting (monument, sculpture, etc.), and application in a second he recognizes the work, the author and tells the story of the creation of the work.

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In fact, it is a personal guide. It lives in the phone and through a user-friendly interface and witty language helps to navigate the world of large and small art.

What are the main advantages?

Art Cracker can save the history of recognitions. The application has ten languages ​​to choose from, including Italian, German and Ukrainian.

Art Cracker is hard at work on its own database of works. And this is what will fundamentally distinguish the app from Google. No more artificial intelligence fantasies, just facts.

Technically, the developers are ready to add about 600 pictures, but the cost of a third-party service for processing and storing such a volume of data is about $000 per month. This requires investment.

You can support the chamber team of developers by subscribing in the app.

This project will allow artists and institutions to independently add their works to the database after passing preliminary verification.

In the near future, Art Cracker will add an audio player to its interface: the application will become a full-fledged audio guide.

How Art Cracker Was Made

"We moved to Israel in the fall of 2022, and already during the war, in order to somehow overcome our anxiety, we started working on this project with our friends. After October 7, our entire large family was in a daze: ourselves, our mothers, daughter, cat. And in order not to go crazy, we decided to set aside 2-3 hours a day, pitching ideas to each other. This is how the first of them appeared - about a mobile application. Thanks to our journalist friends, it was called Shazam for art, but this is still more a metaphor than a substance," said Zhenya.

Vasily assembled a team that first came up with a chatbot, then launched the development of a mobile application, made a design, began to collect a database, and also worked with multilingualism. Today, the team has 11 people, reports Medium.

The app already exists for Apple и AndroidThere is a clear understanding of the main track - it is a daily supplemented history of art, which is created in collaboration with users.

Based on the results of testing the first months, architecture interests users even more than other visual arts. What to do with digital works is not yet clear, says Vasily. The first stage of large-scale collection gathering in all possible directions is underway. A separate issue in this process is the automatic generation of texts in different languages. It is still, to put it mildly, not perfect, complains Vasily.

Creating a free, fun, multilingual, friendly, receptive and creative “guide” in your pocket – that is the great idea behind Art Cracker.

When asked about money, monetization and other prospects, the guys answer that this will be seen a little later, when the legal registration is finally completed and the investors have their say.

Vasily and Zhenya would like the app to remain free.

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