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A pickup truck hits two men on a sidewalk in Harlem: shocking video


ForumDaily New York

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On August 5, a pickup truck drove onto a sidewalk in Harlem and crashed into two pedestrians, reports New York Post.

Scary clash happened around 16:50 on the corner of St. Nicholas Ave. and West 148th Street.

The driver of the pickup truck lost control of the road and ended up sliding onto the sidewalk.

A car hit two men, throwing them onto the road, and then crashed into a fire hydrant and a UPS truck parked on the street.

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One of the victims was able to jump away after the collision, while the other man remained on the ground.

Paramedics treated the victim. He was holding his head and lying on the road next to the debris.

Rescuers put him on a stretcher and loaded him into an ambulance.

A witness to the incident described how the driver cut the corner and jumped onto the curb, where he hit two men.

The driver, who was not injured, remained at the scene, police said.

“It could have been any of us,” said the woman who took video of the accident.

Both victims were taken to NYC Health and Hospitals Harlem in stable condition.

More details about their injuries have not yet been released.

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