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Magnolia Bakery to Give Away Free Banana Pudding in Brooklyn


ForumDaily New York

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Magnolia Bakery's new line of frozen banana puddings will be available on DoorDash, Amazon Fresh and other sites starting November 18. The company will set up a vending machine with free puddings in Brooklyn, where you can try them from November 15 to 17, reports Time-out.

New Yorkers will be able to try the iconic dessert at Cafe Balearica, located at 44 Berry Street near North 11th Street in Williamsburg, throughout the weekend:

  • from 17:00 pm November 15 to 4:00 am November 16;
  • from 14:00 pm to 4:00 am the next day on Saturday and Sunday (November 16-17).

In addition, Cafe Balearica will be selling banana daiquiris in addition to the free treat.

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The new frozen banana pudding packages look like ice cream buckets and come in three different flavors: wafer cookie, chocolate hazelnut and red velvet cookies. Banana pudding provided bakery its legendary reputation since opening its first store in New York City in 1996.

Last week company announced that it is now selling banana pudding-flavored products through a partnership with Incredibles Cannabis at all RISE Dispensary locations in New York City.

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