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A Russian-speaking Brooklyn resident helped a gang of thieves launder stolen money.


ForumDaily New York

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A Brooklyn man used bank accounts in the United States to launder the proceeds of the thefts. He purchased sophisticated equipment for his accomplices working abroad, reports BKReader.

A federal jury found Alex Levin guilty of helping an international gang of thieves. She stole millions of dollars in cash and jewelry from Eastern Europe while laundering money in Brooklyn.

Levin was found guilty of conspiracy to commit money laundering and violating the Travel Act.

The criminal scheme facilitated the theft of millions of dollars and property from safe deposit boxes at several banks outside the United States, including in Ukraine, Russia, North Macedonia, Moldova, Latvia, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

Upon sentencing, Levin faces up to 10 years in prison.

Levin laundered money in Brooklyn

“The jury found that Levin played an integral role in a highly sophisticated and well-organized international gang of thieves. She stole millions of dollars worth of jewelry and cash from banks in Eastern Europe, said Breon Peace, U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of New York. “Levine’s role here in Brooklyn in laundering cash and purchasing equipment used in safecracking overseas was critical to the gang’s success.”

As was proven in court, from March 2015 to October 2019, Levin was a member of a gang. Fraudsters targeted foreign banks that appeared to lack robust security measures.

Participants gangs posed as clients of target banks and rented safes. After gaining access to the safe rooms, the conspirators used specialized medical equipment to photograph the inside of other clients' safe locks.

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Using these photographs, criminals created duplicate safe deposit keys to steal money and valuables from foreign bank customers.

Levin helped launder the proceeds of the scheme in Brooklyn. Specifically, on July 31, 2015, Glenport Merchants LLP, a company with a Latvian bank account, transferred $150 to Levin. Shortly thereafter, he transferred $000 to a gang member who was personally involved in bank robberies.

Levin used bank accounts in the United States, including those located in the Eastern District of New York. He bought sophisticated camera equipment, particularly borescopes, small specialized medical-grade cameras that the gang used in robberies.

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