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New York City authorities have euthanized a popular squirrel: it was an Instagram star and a pet


ForumDaily New York

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Peanut the squirrel, who had more than half a million Instagram followers, has been euthanized by New York State authorities. The animal was taken from its owners after complaints of illegal keeping — and killed for rabies testing, reports CBS.

Peanut's owner, Mark Longo, said officials forcibly removed his pet squirrel on Oct. 30. State wildlife officials said it was illegal to own a wild animal.

The touching story of the famous squirrel

Longo found the baby squirrel on the side of the road in 2017 after its mother was hit by a car. Longo nursed the animal back to health for eight months before attempting to release it into the wild. But the squirrel soon returned, injured. Longo decided it wouldn't survive in the wild, so he kept it at home. He named the animal Peanut.

Soon Longo began posting videos of his life with the squirrel on social media. Peanut became popular — on her Instagram More than 600 people signed the petition. The story of Longo and Peanut has been covered in the American press more than once, and stories about them have appeared on television.

When Longo first picked up the squirrel, he was working as an engineer and living in Connecticut, reports Meduza. After meeting Peanut, he moved to the small town of Pine City, New York, and opened an animal shelter there in 2023. Longo named the shelter after proteins— PʼNuts Freedom Farm. It currently houses about 300 animals, including horses, goats and alpacas.

Cruelty of officials

On October 30, the state Department of Environmental Protection officers came to the Longos' home and took Peanut, as well as Fred, a raccoon Mark and his wife had recently adopted and were planning to release after rehabilitation. According to the animals' owner, the department officers "raided" and searched his home without the required warrant.

"They treated me like I was a drug dealer and they were looking for drugs and guns," Longo said.

A department spokesman said the agency had received "numerous reports from the public of potentially unsafe rabies-carrying wildlife and illegal raising of wild animals." Officials began investigating the complaints, which led to a visit to Longo.

Guidelines on the New York City Department of Environmental Conservation website stress that people should not treat young wild animals as potential pets, not only because it is illegal, but also because they are not suited for captivity and may carry diseases. Animals that have been cared for by people without special training may not be suited for life in the wild and, when released, return to people, which can lead to negative consequences.

Mark Longo acknowledged that it is illegal under state law to keep a wild animal without a permit. He claims he was involved in filing the necessary paperwork. However, the squirrel owner decried the government's response to the complaints.

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"If we're not following the rules, get us on track so we can follow the rules, you know?" he said. "Tell us what we need to do to be able to live at home with Peanut and not worry about him being taken away."

Huge resonance

After the squirrel was seized, more than 45 people signed a petition in defense of the squirrel and its owner.

They demanded the return of the animal.

On November 2, it was reported that the squirrel and raccoon had been euthanized. Officials said the animals were euthanized to test for rabies after the squirrel bit one of the investigators. Officials advised anyone who had contact with the squirrel and raccoon to seek medical attention.

Mark Longo said New York State's decision to seize and euthanize the animals "will not go unnoticed." He did not specify what he would do. The squirrel's owner said he did not see the animal bite anyone when it was removed from the home.

"It honestly still feels surreal that the country I live in would target me and take two of the most beloved animals on this planet without even quarantining them. They took them from my home and just killed them," Longo said.

The story of Peanut's seizure became a resonant one. Billionaire Elon Musk, among others, responded to the news that the squirrel had been euthanized. He regularly comments on various discussed events.

He accused the state of "kidnapping" Pinat and expressed the opinion that the authorities should not interfere in the personal affairs of animal owners and their pets. At the same time, Musk, who supports Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, used the squirrel's death for election campaigning. In one of his posts, he said: "President Trump will save the squirrels."

Other Trump supporters also criticized state officials for their decision on the animal ahead of the election, including by pointing out that New York is led by Democrats.

According to state law, the only way to legally rescue squirrels is to become a licensed wildlife rehabilitator, a process that can take months. To legally keep a domesticated wild animal, it must also be registered as an educational animal.

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