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Where to Get a Free Thanksgiving Turkey in New York City


ForumDaily New York

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Thanksgiving is just around the corner. Many people are already thinking about their plans for the holiday dinner. Pix11 tells how to get a free turkey for a family feast.

Several supermarket chains in the New York area are running promotions with free of charge turkey or ham for the holidays.


You'll get free turkey or ham if you spend $400 before November 28.

Shoppers must use the same Price Plus Club card at any ShopRite store to have their purchases tracked.

BJ's Wholesale Club

BJ's members will receive a digital coupon for a free turkey if they spend $150 in a single transaction by November 14.

On the subject: Free Swimming Lessons for New Yorkers of All Ages: How to Sign Up

Purchases can be made in-store or online, but shoppers must have an account on the website or app. The coupon is valid until November 27.

food town

If you shop with your Clubcard and spend $400 by November 28, you'll get a free turkey or gift card. Purchases will be tracked using your Clubcard.


Aldi is offering a Thanksgiving meal for 10 for about $47, including a turkey. The special prices on popular Thanksgiving items will run at Aldi stores through November 27.

Where else can you get a free turkey?

The National Supermarket Association is giving away free turkeys to New Yorkers for the fifth year in a row, reports News12.

Below you will find information about when and where the turkeys will be distributed.

Thursday, November 16, in the Bronx

  • 10:00 a.m. — Golden Mango, 2300 Randall Ave.;
  • 12:00 - Key Food at 459 East 149th St.;
  • 14:00 PM - C-Town at 809 Southern Blvd.;
  • 16:00 PM – Food Universe Market Place, 3470 Third Ave.

Friday, November 17th, in Manhattan

  • 10:00 AM – Super Gigante at 3815 Ninth Ave.

Tuesday, November 21nd

  • 10:00 a.m. – Billy Market Place, 870 Cypress Ave., Queens;
  • 11:00 a.m. – Green Valley of Sunniside Market Place, 44-07 Greenpoint Ave. in Sunnyside;
  • 12:00 PM – C-Town at 29 Belmont Ave. in Brooklyn;
  • 14:00 PM – Associated at 1888 Fulton St. in Brooklyn;
  • 15:00 – Marketplace at 1781-1783 Broadway in Brooklyn;
  • 16:00 PM – Pioneer at 3461 Fulton St. in Brooklyn.

Wednesday, November 22

  • 12:00 p.m. – Foodtown, 173-09 Jamaica Ave. in Jamaica;
  • 14:00 p.m. – Cherry Valley at 94-53 Corona Ave. in Elmhurst.
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