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No panic: Coyotes spotted in New York City Central Park



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Coyotes are spotted in New York City Central Park. Although there is an assumption that the messages received from people concern the same animal. About this with reference to the Department of Parks reports the publication Gothamist.

Фото: Depositphotos

Meeting with coyotes in the vicinity of New York Central Park is perhaps not unusual. This area has become a kind of unofficial sanctuary for the Konis Latrans, the newspaper writes.

“Over the past three years, the Parks Department has received 80 reports of coyotes detected throughout the city through the WildlifeNYC website. Already 10 messages have been received this year about the discovery of coyotes in Manhattan, ”said Chariss Hill, department spokeswoman. At the same time, Hill hastened to note that all these observations may concern the same predator.

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Information on the number of coyotes appeared after the NYPD wrote on Twitter this week that they had recently “seen coyotes weekly in Central Park, in various places, including Belvedere Castle.” Also, the police gave several recommendations on how to coexist peacefully with coyotes.

Screenshot: Twitter / NYPDCentralPark

The parks department added: “Our message to the New Yorkers: keep calm!” This coyote has been walking in Central Park for at least a year now. We have no reports that the coyote caused incidents or was aggressive. The Parks Department provides advice to the public to promote coexistence with coyotes to prevent potential conflicts. ”

Screenshot: Twitter / YamadaArch_NYC


Last summer, the department reported that the number of coyotes found had skyrocketed since they were tracked. In November, a coyote reportedly attacked a man at Rutgers University. After that, officials said they had found a coyote den nearby. In the same month, a man said he was being chased in the Central Park area - possibly a coyote sighted in recent weeks.

How to behave if you encounter a coyote

Megan Lalor of the Parks Department advised those who encountered a coyote while walking not to panic. “Coyotes are likely to fear you as much as you fear them,” she said. - If you cross with a coyote in New York, respect them as you would any other New Yorker and give them enough space. They just want to be free to explore New York on their own. " She also said that under no circumstances should you feed them: “Keeping coyotes wild is the key to their coexistence,” she added. "Raise your hands and make loud noises until the coyote backs down."

The wildlife department of the parks department carries out outreach "to educate the public about coyotes and help promote coexistence." The department also promises to conduct educational work on coyotes at a meeting of the Public Council of the 34th section on January 29, and at a meeting of the Public Council of the Central Park on March 11, 2020.

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