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Broadway at Bryant Park: what to see in August


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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Bryant Park Broadway, presented by New York-based radio station iHeartMedia 106.7 Lite FM, will return for four weeks of free performances starting August 4th. Performances will take place every Thursday from 12:30 p.m. at the Bryant Park stage. Playbill.

“We are excited to bring Broadway back to Bryant Park. This is his 22nd season,” said 106.7 Program Director Chris Conley. “This is a New York event not to be missed.”

The event kicks off on August 4 with a performance by Broadway band STOMP!, followed by performances by Disney's Aladdin and The Lion King.

Upcoming Broadway musical to preview on August 11 Kimberly Akimbo, which will begin at the Booth Theater on 12 October. Performances will follow. Chicago, Dear Evan Hansen, Hadestown and the Phantom of the Opera.

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August 18 will be the performance of 1776, which will feature actors from "Come From Away", "Funny Girl" and "Wicked".

The last concert, scheduled for August 25, will feature a special performance by the Taiwan Tourism Bureau. And also the actors of the musicals A Strange Loop, Beetlejuice, Moulin Rouge will take the stage.


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