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Charging Bull: A Guide to the Famous Statue on Wall Street


ForumDaily New York

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The charging bull, known as the Wall Street Bull, is more than just a financial symbol. SecretNYC tells you what to expect when visiting this iconic statue.

Unique features Wall Street Bull, such as the statue's aggressive design with its bowed head and flared nostrils, make it a powerful symbol of New York's financial district. This bronze sculpture with a height of 3,30 m and a weight of 3200 kg attracts many fans.

The Story of the Bull of Wall Street

The charging bull was created by Italian artist Arturo di Modica. The bronze statue was erected in front of the New York Stock Exchange on December 15, 1989, without permission. Di Modica spent about $360 of his own money creating the sculpture in response to the 000 market crash. Thus, he wanted to cheer up New Yorkers and Wall Street traders.

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Originally confiscated by authorities, the statue was moved to its current location in Bowling Green after public outcry and support from the parks commissioner. The vibrant design of the statue symbolizes the unstoppable energy and drive of the market. Over the years, the statue has become a cultural icon, symbolizing the resilience and determination of New York's financial sector.

Visitors from all over the world flock to this statue. Tourists often rub various parts of the sculpture for good luck. Despite some criticism of the New York financial institutions it represents, the sculpture remains a Manhattan landmark.

Where is the Charging Bull statue and how to get there

The statue is located on Broadway, at the northern tip of Bowling Green in Manhattan. To get there, take the 4 or 5 subway trains to Bowling Green Station or the 1, R or W trains to Rector Street. You can also take buses that stop near the Financial District. Parking is available in nearby garages, but can be difficult to find. Public transport is highly recommended, especially in this area.

What to Expect When You Visit

This place is very popular, especially during the peak tourist season, so be prepared for crowds of visitors.

For a richer experience, consider joining excursions throughout Lower Manhattan. Here you will learn about its history and the evolution of Wall Street - from a humble Dutch trading post to the financial capital of the world. Don't miss your chance to see this iconic symbol up close!

Visiting the Charging Bull is free. However, various tours of Wall Street and the Financial District include detailed information about the history and significance of the statue.

What else can you do during your visit?

Some activities in the Financial District include visiting the New York Stock Exchange, Federal Hall, and Battery Park. There are historical buildings in the area.

If you're looking for a combination of history and architecture, be sure to visit St. Paul's Chapel. It survived the Great Fire of 1776 and served as a relief center after the September 11 attacks.

For a unique shopping experience, visit the Oculus Center at the World Trade Center. It is known for its impressive architecture and wide selection of shops. The area has a variety of restaurants, from historic steakhouses like Delmonico's to trendy establishments with scenic views.

You can also stroll along Wall Street or take a ferry to see the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island. Tickets for various excursions to the main attractions can be found here.

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