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A huge recreation center will open in Central Park: what will be there


ForumDaily New York

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A huge recreation center with one of the largest swimming pools in New York City is coming to Central Park. It is scheduled to open in early spring 2025, reports SecretNYC.

The Davis Center at Harlem Meer is a $160 million project that covers 4,5 acres.

The project is finally nearing completion. It is one of the largest undertakings local zoo in history. The center will house the eighth largest swimming pool in New York, an ice rink, and a grass field.

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The center will be located on the site of the old Lasker Ice Rink and Pool, which was built in the 1960s and closed due to problems with infrastructure. Programs for visitors of all ages are expected. Citizens will have access to the Ravine Forest, a restored waterway, and a new boardwalk that illuminates the Harlem Meer waterfront.

For more information about the project, see here.

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