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Central Park Launches New Cherry Blossom Tracker to Find Best Spring Views


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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New York's most iconic park unveils new cherry blossom tracking map. It will help you identify all the trees in Manhattan just before the peak of flowering. NBC New York.

The Central Park Conservancy, a non-profit organization that maintains Central Park on a daily basis, announced the creation of an interactive map on March 8. Its expert arborists tend to more than 170 species of trees in the park every day. They provide real-time information about flowering peaks.

“Central Park's cherry blossom trees, ranging in color from deep purples to pale pinks and whites, are a must-see in the spring. Their flowering is beautiful, but fleeting. Thanks to a warm winter this year, they will bloom earlier than usual,” the organization said in a statement.

Flowering usually peaks in the last week of March, but is expected earlier this year.

Newspaper The Washington Post suggests that the peak of flowering in Washington, where the Cherry Blossom Festival takes place, will come before March 25 this season. However, cold weather can slow this process down.

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Central Park Tracker (complete map can be viewed here) offers the following:

Where to go: there are six key locations, east and west of the Reservoir, overlooking Cherry Hill or south of Great Lawns.

When to go: choose a date based on the recommendations of the tracker. It shows which zones are pre-peak, peak, and post-peak.

What to see: from the graceful weeping branches of Higan to the delicate white flowers of Yoshino.

Those who are looking for an unusual place with cherry blossoms in the city should visit Greenwood Cemetery

Brooklyn Cemetery is not only a National Historic Landmark. It has been called the area's first public park long before Prospect Park existed. And it became so popular that it inspired the creation of this park, as well as the one that eventually became Central Park.

This is an excellent place to see the magnificent cherry blossoms. Nearly 200 beloved trees are scattered throughout the landscape. More here. And flowering trees are waiting for you in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden.

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