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New York Mole Man - Former America's Got Talent - Lives in a Pit Under the Sidewalk


ForumDaily New York

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The video in which his friends " Bogdan American"and Heather Morowitz going out out of the pit went viral, amassing 3,8 million views on TikTok, reports The New York Post.

Photo: Shutterstock

“Reality is more important than fiction. There are endless possibilities in this life, whatever can happen will happen, ”Wolverton said. "If there is a hole in your area, someone will want to go down there."

"America's Got Talent"

During an interview with Wolverton, two neighbors said that his artistic antics could turn his wormhole into a mountain, endangering children who want to imitate him.

The former America's Got Talent contestant turned a huge funnel outside his home in Bed-Stuy into a viral sensation. He photographed himself wearing a mole mask and other wild outfits, crawling inside - and has amassed millions of views on TikTok.

Danny Wolverton, 36 known for his act of levitation on "AGT", discovered a hole measuring approximately 2,5 x 1,5 x 1 m during a July walk. He saw this as an opportunity to make an artistic statement - and gain attention on social media.

So, the "underground" artist burned sage inside, presumably in order to defeat evil spirits - or sleeping rats. Then he began filming himself in a burrow with a dog's head, a mole mask and other images.

District residents complain

“[You] are making a big hole where we already have a problem,” one woman scolded him, walking a small dog and filming Wolverton on her phone. - No, it's not [parent's responsibility], it's your responsibility as a community member to leave this alone. ... You come to our quarter to aggravate an already existing problem in your own interests. "

Residents filed “several” complaints about people “crawling into the void” on the sidewalk.

Wolverton said he never posted the address of the hole on social media. He believes the video will help encourage the city to "fill the hole faster."

After a neighbor complained on Thursday, September 30th, the cops arrived and pit road cone.

The Department of Transportation and the Department of Environmental Protection have filed complaints, representatives said. They visit the site to make a “permanent” decision.

Wolverton plans to continue talking about the wonders of the hole. He is currently working on a short movielighting the hole as an artist community. According to him, the film touches upon issues of improvement and housing.

“So [with] my decision to keep filming [the video], I listened to the source of joy, not the source of worry,” he said.

A spokesman for DT said the agency "categorically" discourages anyone from climbing into the hole - "whether he is a mole or not."


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