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2023 things to do in New York in March 17


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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The weather in New York is, of course, changeable. But in March there are usually many days suitable for walking and entertainment. There are many reasons to have fun this month, writes Secret nyc.

From attending the annual NYBG Orchid Show to atmospheric concerts, there are tons of amazing activities to join in New York in March!

1. Immerse yourself in a miniature universe in Small is Beautiful

After tours in Paris and London, the world's largest theater opened in New York. international exhibition dedicated to miniature art.

Check out over 130 miniature works from 30+ artists. Some of them, presented at the exhibition, are specially placed in unexpected places of the gallery, so you will have to look closely so as not to miss them!

Buy tickets here.

2-5. Attend an atmospheric candlelight concert

Calm your mind and feel the music at these atmospheric candlelight concerts in the most beautiful places in New York. From concerts in New York City's historic churches to stunning hotels, you'll be captivated by the magical sounds of classical music and movie scores.

Here are some of the concerts taking place in March:

6. Awaken your senses in Dining in the Dark

This unusual culinary experience will give you new sensations. Still, because you have to eat in complete darkness. No visual judgments of food - you will need to rely on other senses. According to psychologists, this approach will improve your tasting experience.

Book a table now.

7. Delve into the work of one of the world's most enigmatic artists at Banksy in New York

In this new Banksy exhibition, visitors will get a closer look at the work of the underground street artist. Exhibition celebrates 10 years since Banksy arrived in New York and explores his relationship with that city.

You can buy tickets here.

On the subject: Symbol of the arrival of spring: the iconic Macy's flower show will soon open in New York

8. Admire the NYBG Orchid Show

The annual orchid show transforms part of the New York Botanical Garden into a floral oasis covered in delicate, stunning flowers and installations. This year's show titled "Natural Heritage" is inspired by "our ancestors' ancestral ties to the natural world." Bold and bright installations will create a whole new floral experience that you simply must see. Exhibition will run until Sunday, April 23, 2023.

More details - here.

9-12. Join the celebration of St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick's Day is just around the corner and there are plenty of places to celebrate it! From New York City's annual parade to themed party cruises, here are some of the fun things to do on this big day:

13. Visit the LES galleries for free

Evenings at LES are back and better than ever. If you're looking for an interesting way to spend an evening but prefer not to spend money, mark the second Sunday and third Thursday of each month on your calendar (in March, this will be the 12th and 16th). These days you will be able to wander through countless art spaces for free.

Find out more about this monthly event here.

14. Romantic date at the Metropolitan Museum of Art

The Metropolitan Museum of Art is much more magical these days! Take your friend, partner (or yourself) through the beautiful halls of the Metropolitan Museum of Art for a “date night”. They are held every Friday and Saturday. Cocktails, gallery entrance and live music - an unforgettable experience awaits you.

Find out more here.

15. Take a ride on a 1940s train

Hudson River Rail Excursion has released its spring schedule vintage trains, and you should have time to book your tickets because they sell out fast! You will board a vintage train that will take you on a magnificent ride through the Hudson Valley and to Albany. Upon arrival, you will have a few hours to look around, eat or wander around before boarding the train again.

16. Watch the magnificent cherry blossoms

One of the most magical sights to see in New York is cherry blossoms. These beautiful flowers bloom as early as March, so get ready! Read more about where and how to watch them. here.

17. Take your kid to Broadway for free

Annual evening of free visits to Broadway for children scheduled for March 21st. On this day, kids from 6 and teenagers under 18 can claim a free ticket to Broadway. The only catch is that they must come to the performance accompanied by an adult who has fully paid for the ticket.

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