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The New York Library library card gives you free admission to 79 popular museums.


Lyudmila Balabay

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If you don't have a New York Public Library library card, you're missing out on more than just free access to books. The New York Public Library (NYPL) Network is offering free admission to dozens of popular museums. Secret nyc.

Queens, Brooklyn and New York Public Libraries cardholders can now download online one-day passes (Culture Passes) for free admission to 79 cultural institutions.

Establishments participating in the program include:

  • Bronx Music Heritage Center
  • Brooklyn Botanical Garden
  • MoMA PS1
  • Staten island museum
  • Whitney Museum of American Art

Anyone can enter their library card number on Culture Pass website and book free admission to any of the 79 participating cultural institutions.

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This is a significant savings as some of these museums cost over $25 to enter. So if you live in the city and want to experience some of its cultural gems, this is a great chance for you.

Please note that there are only a few free passes available each day, so it's best to reserve them as early as possible. A library card holder can only have four active bookings at a time, but there is no limit to how many times a Culture Pass can be used.

The only limitation is that you can only get free access to each museum once a year.

More information about the Culture Pass and a full list of participating institutions can be found at this site.

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