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What New Yorkers Read in 2020: Top 30 Books


Vita Popova

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According to the New York Public Library, this year books that reflect historical issues have proven to be the most popular with readers. The full list was shared by the publication Time-out.

Photo: Shutterstock

On Monday, December 21st, New York Libraries (New York Public Library, Brooklyn Public Library, and Queens Public Library) released a list of the most popular books of 2020 among their readers.

This list includes stories and writings related to the global pandemic, unprecedented isolation, social justice issues - which we all face this year.

The most popular book in the New York public library system is The Disappearing Half, by Brit Bennett.

In Brooklyn, the most widely read was Ibrahm H. Candy's How to Become an Anti-racist. In Queens - John Grisham's Watchmen.

Books such as Becoming, Michelle Obama, Where the Crayfish Sing, Delia Owens, and The Apprentice, Tara Westover, were popular in all boroughs and appeared on all three lists.

Lynn Lobash, a spokeswoman for the New York Public Library, noted that this year, as New York City is in crisis over the COVID-19 pandemic, New Yorkers have looked in books to help them get through that time. “Some wanted to escape (from reality - Ed.) With the help of great works or inspiring memoirs. Others wanted to be more informed about current events, especially social justice issues that sparked global protests and heated debate. There were those who wanted to feel a connection through reading, a sense of community at the time when we were apart, ”said Lobash.

On the subject: The New York Library now provides not only books, but also bags and ties

She expressed the hope that the books really helped New Yorkers to get through this time more easily, and will have a positive impact on them in the future.

So, here are the lists of the most read books in each of the libraries.

Brooklyn Public Library:

  1. “How to Become an Anti-racist,” Ibrahm H. Candy.
  2. White Frailty: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
  3. Normal People by Sally Rooney.
  4. Becoming, Michelle Obama.
  5. Where Crowds Sing, Delia Owens.
  6. The Apprentice, Tara Westover.
  7. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.
  8. Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead.
  9. Covenants by Margaret Atwood.
  10. "Between the World and Me", Ta-Nehasi Coates

Public Library of New York:

  1. The Vanishing Half by Britt Bennett.
  2. White Frailty: Why It's So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo.
  3. The Glass Hotel by Emily St. John Mandel.
  4. Where Crowds Sing, Delia Owens.
  5. Dutch House by Anne Patchett
  6. Nickel Boys by Colson Whitehead.
  7. The Apprentice, Tara Westover.
  8. Becoming, Michelle Obama.
  9. Normal People by Sally Rooney.
  10. “Maybe You Should Talk to Someone,” a book by psychotherapist and writer Laurie Gottlieb.

Queens Public Library:

  1. The Keepers by John Grisham.
  2. The Moral Compass by Daniel Steele.
  3. Becoming, Michelle Obama.
  4. Lost by James Patterson.
  5. Where Crowds Sing, Delia Owens.
  6. The Minute Before Midnight by David Baldacci.
  7. The Apprentice, Tara Westover.
  8. Criss Cross by James Patterson.
  9. “And fires are smoldering everywhere,” Celeste Ing.
  10. The Silent Patient by Alex Michaelides.

Over the past nine months, over 100 users have visited the New York Public Library using an electronic reader simplyE, where you can read any of the 300 thousand books stored in her system. From June this year until June 2021, the library provides readers with books free of charge.

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