What every tourist should do in New York: tips from locals
Alina Prikhodko
In the city that never sleeps, experiences await you at every turn. A lot of mysterious and historical places, a special atmosphere that you will not find anywhere except New York. When planning a trip, the most difficult thing is not to miss the most important thing. Pix11 asked local residents what, in their opinion, every person should try after visiting New York.
Metro New York

The subway is where the locals spend most of their time. By joining the subway passengers, you will immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the real New York. Thousands of faces, thousands of destinies - if you plan a trip by metro, look around, because every person to whom this city said: "Yes" is unique in its own way.
The New York subway is one of the few subway systems in the world that operates 7 hours a day, 27 days a week. The underground-terrestrial giant has 400 lines and more than 5,5 stations, the metro transports more than XNUMX million people a day.
“Despite the fact that the subway is a little dangerous, it is still fascinating,” wrote Diane Samara, one of the participants in the survey.
Locals know how many dangers and unpleasant surprises await passengers in the New York subway, but in order to experience the city in all its glory, they strongly advise you to get to know the rats and the special smell of cars and stations.
One of the survey participants jokingly offered to ride in an empty car: “An empty subway car is just for you! Enjoy.” But we kindly ask you to refrain from such trips, because if the subway car is empty, then there is a reason for this.
Summer in New York

The summer months in the city are filled with colorful festivals, where you can enjoy incredible dishes from around the world, get acquainted with the art of street artists and feel the atmosphere of the holiday.
A variety of parties, walks around the lake in Central Park, open-air movie screenings and stunning fireworks in honor of Independence Day on July 4, which turns the city skyline into a real wonder of the world. And the best thing is that all these events are absolutely free.
Manhattanhenge is a unique phenomenon that all photographers and Instagram users are delighted with. Only twice a year the sun sets between the skyscrapers of Manhattan, creating an incredible spectacle.
Two other unique New York summer events are the Puerto Rico National Day Parade and the Coney Island Mermaid Parade. Both are free.
Another free event that takes place every summer is Shakespeare in the Park. It is quite difficult to get tickets, as a lottery system is used. But it's worth it, because you can see Anne Hathaway, Al Pacino, Michelle Pfeiffer and Denzel Washington on the park stage. These are just some of the Hollywood stars who help Shakespeare live in the modern, digitalized city.
Broadway shows

Broadway is a street about which many songs have been written. This is the place where so many people strive to make their dreams come true.
Many New Yorkers offered to watch the Broadway show on PIX11's Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram pages. Karine La Greca, photographer, recommended Moulin the Robber.
Whether you're a tourist or a seasoned New Yorker, a Broadway show is a must-see in New York.
New York food

New York City will amaze the most demanding critic and gourmet: Michelin-starred dinners in a restaurant, street food or a snack in a wine cellar - there are a lot of ways to satisfy gastronomic requests.
In this city, you can sample cuisines from all over the world, from Italian cuisine on Arthur Avenue in the Bronx's Little Italy to Korean barbecue in Manhattan's Koreatown. Separately, it is worth mentioning a sandwich with pastrami from Katz's Deli , a $1 classic New York-style pizza slice, cream cheese bagel and sliced South Bronx cheese.
One of the users of social networks to the question: “What is a must-try in New York?” wrote: "Nice thick, fluffy greasy pizza." But the options leading in the poll were “Chinese food” and “Bacon and cheese sandwich”.
Christmas New York

New York is the city from which you absolutely do not want to leave for the holidays. This incredible Christmas atmosphere of Hollywood movies: a Christmas tree in Rockefeller Center, an ice rink in Central Park, Macy's department store with Santa.
Residents compete to see who has the most spectacular home decoration, shop windows shine brighter than diamonds, people run through the streets in a pre-holiday gift race. You can describe New York on Christmas Eve a thousand times, but it's better to see it once.
“Brooklyn is famous for some of the most outstanding Christmas lights: live Santa Clauses, sleighs, snowmen, and some houses even play Christmas songs through loudspeakers.”
In fact, on the eve of the holidays, New York is so beautiful that you can not make a special route, but simply trust the city and your intuition.
One of the survey participants, Marcia Spiefel Lerman, wrote: “Radio City Music Hall, window dressing, roast chestnut shopping and department stores.”