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City Bike rentals in New York will increase in price for the second time this year


ForumDaily New York

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Citi Bike is increasing the cost of its services again - this is the second time in 2024, reports NY1.

The company said this was due to "higher-than-expected battery replacement, insurance and vehicle costs." The new tariffs will come into force on July 10.

Citi Bike originally raised prices in the end of January.

New tariffs

The per-minute charge for using an e-bike, as well as for riding electric and classic bikes, increases from $0,20 to $0,24.

For Lyft Pink All Access members, e-bike and classic bike fees will increase to $0,24 per minute.

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The cost of passes for non-members increases from $0,30 to $0,36 per minute. For trips to electric bike for up to 45 minutes, when leaving Manhattan or entering it from another area, the price limit will increase by $0,80 to $4,80.

Lyft Pink All Access members can continue to enjoy free 45-minute rides on a classic bike and a free 60-minute e-bike with every subscription they sign up or renew, the company said.

Other prices, including annual membership, will remain the same, company officials said.

Citi Bike said it is working with the city Department of Transportation and Con Edison on a charging station pilot project to help curb high costs.

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