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Profitable promotion from Costco: exchange used equipment for any goods


ForumDaily New York

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Costco offers trade-ins for old electronics for groceries through its Trade-In program. You don't even need to be a Costco member to take advantage of the offer, reports Yahoo.

You can exchange items you no longer need for groceries.

“Costco's Trade-In program is a fantastic opportunity for consumers looking to get value for their used electronics,” said Dane NK, founder of That Video Game Blog.

How the program works

Costco's Trade-In program is hosted by a third party company, Phobio. The Costco website has link, which will redirect you to Phobio. There you can select your device model, answer questions about its current condition, and get a trade-in estimate.

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“Essentially, you estimate the value of your item online through a partner site Costco. Then you send it for free. If he meets the criteria, you receive a card Costco Shop Card. The payout may vary depending on the condition of your item and its market value,” NK explained.

What devices does Costco Trade-In accept?

The program currently accepts used Apple devices such as phones, laptops, tablets, smart watches, computers, displays and media players. For Mac or iMac, models must be released in 2013 or newer.

Samuel Davitty, founder of, clarified that if your device is not in perfect condition, you should still consider exchanging it.

“Many consumers don't realize that even old or slightly damaged items have some value. For example, a cracked screen or an outdated model can bring a decent profit,” Davity noted.

Jonas Torrang, co-founder of, agreed with Davity. According to him, getting some money for your device (regardless of the degree of damage) is better than nothing.

“In my experience, even old models in excellent condition can be exchanged profitably,” he concluded.

How much can you get

“The amount you receive depends on the current market value and condition of the item,” Torrang explained.

According to the Phobio website, you can get up to $1080 for your used device. This applies specifically to a used Apple laptop. You will be reimbursed up to $1025 for computers. Smartphones can fetch up to $750, while older tablets can fetch up to $450.

Displays are priced up to $400. For smart watches you will be paid up to $200, for media players - up to $40.

How long will the process take?

The process may take up to three weeks for Phobio to evaluate your device and send you a gift card.

It takes up to 20 business days after your device is assessed by Phobio to receive your Costco gift card in the mail.

Check the cost before you send your device to Costco

“A useful tip that perhaps not everyone knows is to regularly monitor the cost of exchange. It usually changes, especially during the release of new models. This could mean a better deal, NK warned. “In my own experience, preserving the original packaging and keeping the electronics in pristine condition significantly increases the exchange value.”

“Personal experience has shown that the trade-in value is not always what you could get from a direct sale to another buyer. But the convenience and Costco Shop Card make this program worthwhile, especially if you're a regular Costco shopper. In addition, the Shop Card can be used for anything in store or online, providing flexibility and added value,” concluded Davity.

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