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DAGAMBA: Music Hooligans Take Over NYC's Town Hall and Everyone's Thrilled


ForumDaily New York

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In November, the group DAGAMBA, known as the "classical music hooligans," performed at New York's Town Hall with the groundbreaking show BACH Against the Machine. The innovative fusion of classical music by Johann Sebastian Bach with the revolutionary rock of Rage Against The Machine captivated the audience.

There are hundreds of comments on all of the band's social networks asking them to come to New York again, with praise, hearts and statements that after this concert DAGAMBA became a legend in New York.

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DAGAMBA is one of the most popular bands in Latvia, which has created a sensation among music lovers. “Classical Music Hooligans” captivated audiences in Europe, the USA, Australia and the Middle East. The team has won many awards and constantly attracts full houses in arenas and concert halls.

Words cannot convey the uniqueness and richness of their music. Better listen to this composition and you will understand everything yourself.

DAGAMBA is renowned for its ability to explore uncharted musical territories by creating unique and unexpected compositions. In New York, the artists staged a musical meeting of two worlds - modern and baroque.

"The idea for BACH Against the Machine came to us after the success of the concert program #LudwigVanRammstein. The works of brilliant musicians from different centuries require a grandiose sound, and we are happy to present this musical collaboration of great spirits to our listeners," explained the founder of the group, Valters Putze.

Honestly, after the recent concert, DAGAMBA's compositions appeared in the playlists of every member of the ForumDaily editorial board. If you want to know more about the band, here their site и YouTube channel. Subscribe and enjoy!

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