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De Blasio and Cuomo strategize to keep federal agents out of New York


ForumDaily New York

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US President Donald Trump has said that he will send armed federal agents to those American cities where protests are taking place to take control of the situation there. New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio and State Governor Andrew Cuomo have developed retaliatory strategies to keep agents out of New York City. Writes about it Gothamist.

Photo: Shutterstock

On Wednesday, July 22, the mayor issued an open letter to Attorney General William Barr and Acting Department of the Interior Chad Wolfe, saying the presence of paramilitary federal law enforcement officers in Portland, Oregon, is "manifestly unconstitutional." He threatened to sue the administration if federal agents are sent to New York because their deployment is politically motivated and threatens the rights of New Yorkers.

Cuomo intends to reassure the president, mentioning in speeches that they had a "good conversation" and Trump assured him that the state will receive a warning before federal agents arrive.

The governor also said that he generally agreed with Trump's assessment that New York appears to be a "city in decline."

"The president's concerns about New York are well founded," Cuomo said. - The crime rate has increased in the city. I am worried, but still do not believe that the introduction of federal troops is the solution to the problems. "

Cuomo said the state will intervene if necessary.

On the subject: 'New York Destroy': Trump calls for troops to enter the city

On Wednesday morning, July 22, NYPD officers evicted protesters and homeless New Yorkers from a camp near City Hall and began a process of cleaning graffiti from local buildings and subway stations.

At the same time, de Blasio does not share the opinion that New York is on the brink. Although the number of shootings has increased significantly in recent months, crime has decreased compared to last year.

“The president is concerned about fighting crime, but New York remains the safest major city in the United States, thanks in large part to the work of the NYPD and our partners,” the mayor wrote. "We are fully capable of defending our city."

Donna Lieberman, executive director of the nonprofit organization NYCLU, called the actions of federal agents in Portland "a clear and appalling manifestation of authoritarianism."

“This type of federal intervention in New York will put protesters at even greater risk,” she said.

As ForumDaily New York wrote earlier:

  • US President Donald Trump has said New York State Governor Andrew Cuomo must quell the spike in violent crime in New York - or he will send federal law enforcement to restore order.
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