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New York City Hall Hires People Without a Degree: What Vacancies Are There


ForumDaily New York

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If you want to work for a New York City department but are afraid you don't have the necessary education, you're in luck. Pix11 highlights jobs that don't require a degree.

Brooklyn District Attorney's Office is hiring clerk position without formal education or experience. A clerk prepares case files for the court, organizes and maintains files, court documents, and police records, and answers, screens, and routes telephone calls.

If you don't like sitting in an office, there's a job opening at the Department of Homeless Services public relations assistant.

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Community Service Assistants are responsible for cleaning bathrooms, dorms, and office spaces, loading and unloading merchandise, maintaining inventory records, assisting with program activities, and more.

Other vacancies

There are others Vacancies, which require virtually no education:

To view all open positions with any education and experience requirements in New York City-administered departments, click here.

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