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Ten underrated spots for the perfect picnic in New York


Lyudmila Balabay

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A picnic is the perfect way to spend a summer day. Edition Secret nyc has compiled a list of the 10 best places for the perfect picnic in New York.

1. Near Belvedere Castle

Enjoy a picnic like a prince and princess on the lawn in front of Belvedere Castle in Central Park. It is the perfect place to admire the sunny weather, lush plants and wonderful views of the castle.

Where: 79th Street Transverse, near Turtle Pond

2. Heather garden at Fort Tyrone

Located 10 minutes' walk from the Cloisters, Heather Garden has incredible flowers that make for the perfect picnic atmosphere.

Where: Center Path, New York

3. Garden of Friendship

The New York Restoration Project and the Broadway musical Wicked have funded the renovation of this secret garden in Harlem. This is a great place to meet friends, have a snack or just touch a little piece of paradise in a huge city. You will surely find peace and quiet here.

Where: 499 W. 150th St. Manhattan, New York

4 Van Cortlandt Park

With streams and beautiful wildlife, this Bronx park is known for its lawns and hiking trails. You will really feel at one with nature while walking or having a picnic here.

Where: Broadway and, Van Cortlandt Park S, Bronx

5. Secret Garden at St. Luke in the Fields

This secret park in the West Village is one of the city's most beautiful and underrated gardens. It is ideal for relaxing from the hustle and bustle of the city, as well as for enjoying the silence.

Where: 487 Hudson St, New York

6. Long Meadow at Prospect Park

Long Meadow's green space stretching for nearly a mile is a favorite with many Prospect Park visitors. Just take something tasty with you and enjoy the nature.

Where: the entrance to Prospect Park on 9th Street.

7 Madison Square Park

Not in the mood to pack your picnic basket? Not a problem! Order at ShakeShack in Madison Square Park and take your hamburger and fries to the lawn with you. Take in the breathtaking views of the Flatiron Building and enjoy nature.

Where: 11 Madison Avenue, New York

8. Riverside Park

Picnic on the waterfront - what could be better! UWS stretches for a whopping 4 miles (6,4 km), so there is enough room for everyone.

Where: UWS

9. Randalls Island Park

The island, known as the site of the Governor's Ball, has gardens, sports fields and walking paths. Have a picnic by the water's edge and watch the boats sail by.

Where: 20 Randalls Island Park, New York

10. Clove Lakes Park

Enjoy 193 acres (78 hectares) of natural luxury in this Staten Island gem. There are many charming trees to sit comfortably along for a picnic.

Where: 1150 Clove Rd, Staten Island

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