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Переклад цього матеріалу українською мовою з російської було автоматично здійснено сервісом Google Translate, без подальшого редагування тексту.
Bu məqalə Google Translate servisi vasitəsi ilə avtomatik olaraq rus dilindən azərbaycan dilinə tərcümə olunmuşdur. Bundan sonra mətn redaktə edilməmişdir.

Devices that will help you understand any language, even if you don't know a word of it


Lyudmila Balabay

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Thanks to modern technology and artificial intelligence (AI), we do not need to know the language at all in order to communicate in it. There are dozens of devices that translate written or spoken words in real time. In some cases, such a device can even convey the tone or mood of what was said.

AI translators work on the basis of long-established engines: Google Translate, Microsoft Translator and DeepL. But such devices are constantly learning and improving, even if nothing changes in the engine itself.

Let's take a look at some of the most effective AI translation devices.

1. Langogo Genesis 2-in-1 AI Translator Device

Price: $ 250

Langogo Genesis does not run on one or two translation engines, but on 24!

It has all the bells and whistles of a great AI translator:

  • several translation engines;
  • self-learning algorithms;
  • super-directional microphone that can automatically recognize voices;
  • a voice assistant that provides useful travel information.

Langogo Genesis recognizes and translates from/to 104 languages (the list includes Russian, Ukrainian, Azerbaijani, Georgian), translation of four of them is available offline.

Key Features:

  • high-precision and fast translations in more than 100 languages;
  • neural machine translation and self-learning algorithms;
  • one button control;
  • active noise cancellation;
  • 3,1" Retina display for text translation;
  • smart assistant AI;
  • eSIM technology turns it into a mobile hotspot for up to 5 devices.

2. Timekettle M3

Price: $ 160

These translation headphones use artificial intelligence and also boast smart noise cancellation and bi-directional speech recognition. The headphones are equipped with six translation engines (DeepL, Google, Microsoft, iFlytek, AmiVoice, Hoya) and 15 servers worldwide. This provides 95% translation accuracy in just 0,5 seconds.

Key Features:

  • bi-directional simultaneous translation, that is, you do not have to wait in line and can speak as usual;
  • smart noise reduction;
  • fast and accurate translations from/into 40 languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian) and 93 accents;
  • 3 smart modes for different conversation scenarios;
  • You can connect up to 6 headphones to one phone, making it ideal for bilingual meetings.

3. ANFIER W10 Language Translator Device

Price: $ 99

W10 translates with 97% accuracy in 0,5 seconds thanks to four translation engines. But its main feature is not in this, but in the fact that the device recognizes 127 languages ​​online and 11 offline (including Russian). He even understands jargon and slang terms.

The list of impressive features of the ANFIER W10 includes a large 3-inch HD touch screen that displays in text format what was said by voice. It is also equipped with a digital camera that can recognize and translate texts from photos in 42 languages.

Key Features:

  • high-precision and high-speed translations from/into 127 languages;
  • dual digital silicon noise canceling microphones;
  • 5 megapixel camera for text recognition in 42 languages;
  • durable battery.

4. JoneR Voice Language Translator

Price: $ 249

Translation is a very difficult task, because we do not speak a literary language, but use colloquial phrases, slang, etc. JoneR does an excellent job of translating spoken language. Thanks to artificial intelligence and deep learning algorithm, it can accurately translate from/to 55 languages ​​with 75 regional accents in less than a second!

Further - cooler: translations are also optimized for spoken language, which makes it easier to understand. In addition, JoneR can translate texts written in documents and images - just shoot them with the camera that the device is equipped with.

Key Features:

  • noise-canceling microphone that can recognize 55 languages ​​(including Russian and Ukrainian) and 75 accents;
  • 98% accuracy, response time - less than 1 second;
  • photo translation into 15 languages;
  • can be used as an access point for up to five devices;
  • smart travel assistant with Google Maps, Google Search and currency converter.

Prices for devices are indicated at the time of writing the article - June 27, 2023.

Bonus: smart glasses from Google (there aren't any yet, but it's good to dream)

This device is not yet for sale. In 2022, Google unveiled a prototype smart glasses that can show real-time translation.

Thus, a person wearing augmented reality glasses understands what his interlocutor is saying, simply by reading the inscriptions that are displayed in front of him, thanks to the glasses.

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