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There is a unique school in New Jersey that teaches English and helps you change or extend your status in the United States.


Lyudmila Balabay

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Remember the legend about the vaunted multitasking of Alexander the Great, who could do three things at once? Believe me, any immigrant will give the legendary commander a run for his money.

Think about it: after moving to the USA, we look for a job, learn English, build a credit history, try to rent a place to live, and also understand and arrange a million insurance policies, while constantly having to keep information about our status in the country, ways to support it, extend it, or change it in our heads.

If you're also feeling dizzy from all this, you need to go to school. Discovery Learning CenterThis Fort Lee, New Jersey, school helps unite and solve two major problems for immigrants: English language and immigration status.

Discovery Learning Center offers intensive English courses, as well as professional English and TOEFL preparation. Classes are held in small groups of 8-12 people, so the teacher can give each student the attention he or she needs.

Morning and evening classes are available so you can combine your English improvement with work.

But the most pleasant thing is that it makes Discovery Learning Center unique school – students are helped with changing their status in the USA. You can change your status from J1 and B2/B1 to F1, and also extend your B2/B1 status. The school cooperates with professional lawyers who will evaluate your situation and offer the most suitable option for you.

The school's specialists and lawyers speak Russian, Turkish and English. You can find out more information directly at the school:

Material prepared in partnership with

Discovery Learning Center

address: 222 Bruce Reynolds Blvd. Suite 330, Fort Lee, New Jersey 07024

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