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Flights from New York to the Dominican Republic will become cheaper


ForumDaily New York

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Now is the time to book your trip to the Dominican Republic. Flights to this country from New York have become much cheaper, reports Time-out.

A new aviation agreement based on the concept of open skies will make air travel between the United States and the Caribbean's second-largest country easier. The agreement was signed on August 2.

Open Skies Agreements

Similar agreements are concluded between the governments of the United States and other countries. They allow travelers use foreign air carriers from these countries for government-funded international travel.

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The United States currently has open skies agreements with the 28 countries of the European Union, Australia, Switzerland and Japan.

This new package was signed after two years of negotiations by US Representative Adriano Espaillat. He advocated for easier and cheaper travel between the US and the DR. There are currently about 2,4 million Dominicans living in the States, of which about 700 are in New York.

Good news

According to Gothamist, on average the cost of flights between countries that have signed this agreement is reduced by about 32%.

Cheaper flights aren't just good news for those looking to visit loved ones in the Dominican Republic. This will, of course, contribute to the growth of tourism. According to the US State Department, the Open Skies policy supports more than 15 million tourism jobs here at home.

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