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A Guide to New York City Landmarks You Can See from the Ferry: Take a Cool Tour


ForumDaily New York

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NYC Ferry has released a guide that will change the way residents view New York. The efficient way to travel also became a historical excursion, reports Time-out.

In many cases, the ferry is the fastest way to get around the city. Especially if you want to get to places along the waterfront.

You'll pass many buildings and areas with landmarks that the average citizen might not know much about. NYC Ferry wants you to get the most out of your next ride.

The New York City Ferry network has released a handy online guide to the most iconic sights you'll see on your way to work.

How the guide works

You can scroll through the pages on the site dedicated to each route. There are images of each attraction, accompanied by brief information about the place and its history.

In addition, you will be able to see how far a particular landmark is from the corresponding ferry stop.

You can select the route you want to take and download the corresponding map in PDF format. Each map has numbers that indicate the location of attractions.

You can read the guide in more detail here.

In the past, when you went on a self-guided ferry tour, you had to figure out the correct stops and distances from the ferry dock to the places you were interested in.

Highlights include Federal Hall National Memorial, where George Washington was inaugurated as president, the SeaGlass Carousel, a quirky art exhibit, and Castle Williams on Governors Island, a former fort designed to protect New York City.

Not only is the ferry a cooler and more unique way to see the sights, it's also incredibly cheap. It costs less than a cup of coffee to ride in New York City.

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