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Eric Adams faces corruption charges


ForumDaily New York

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New York City Mayor Eric Adams has been charged with corruption. But, as reported ABC, the details of the case remain classified.

Federal investigators searched Gracie Mansion, the mayor's official residence, early on the morning of Sept. 26.

Adams now becomes the first mayor in New York City history to be indicted while in office.

“I always knew that if I stood up for the people of New York, I would be a target — and I was,” Adams said in a statement implying he had not been informed of the charges. “I am innocent. If I am charged, I will fight it with all my might and spirit.”

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Adams acknowledged that some New Yorkers will question his ability to lead the city as he fights the charges. The mayor has vowed to stay in office.

"I've been dealing with these lies for months now... But the city continues to improve," Adams said. "You elected me to lead this city, and I will lead it."

New York Governor Kathy Hochul has the power to remove Adams from office. She said the governor is aware of "troubling reports" and is monitoring the situation.


Adams, a police officer turned politician, and members of his inner circle have spent nearly a year under federal investigation.

Federal investigations into his administration first became public on Nov. 2, 2023, when FBI agents conducted a morning raid on the Brooklyn home of Adams' top fundraiser, Brianna Suggs.

But Adams insisted he followed the law, saying he would be "shocked" if anyone on his campaign acted illegally.

Days later, FBI agents seized the phones and iPads. the mayoras he left an event in Manhattan.

Other investigations have focused on city contracts and enforcement of rules governing bars and clubs.

In addition to this, the FBI does searches from administration officials.

On September 4, federal agents seized devices from Police Commissioner Adams, his Schools Chancellor, two deputy mayors and several councilors.

Adams is not expected to appear in court until next week, sources said.

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