If you do not have enough money to rent housing in New York, the government can pay some of it: program conditions
Olga Derkach
The Section 1978 housing program, approved in 8, is a $ 22 billion annual program run by the federal Department of Housing and Urban Development, but administered by local housing authorities. New York City gets the largest share in the country.
More than 125 families in the city use Section 000 housing vouchers.
What are Section 8 Housing Vouchers
The Section 8 Housing Program provides safe and hygienic housing rental assistance to families with very low incomes. It can be a single-family home, townhouse or apartment and doesn't have to be part of subsidized housing projects, the website says. benefits.gov.
Housing vouchers are issued by the local housing authority (PHA). The household that receives a housing voucher is responsible for finding a suitable housing unit of their choice, if the owner agrees to rent it under the Section 8 program.
The housing allowance is paid directly to the landlord by the PHA office on behalf of the participating family. The family then pays the difference between the actual rent charged by the landlord and the amount subsidized by the program.
Who is Eligible for Housing Vouchers
Basic requirements
Applicants must be at least 18 years of age and have legal status in the United States. Affordable Housing Online.
Eligible immigration status includes:
- lawful permanent resident (green card holder);
- legal immigrant (work or other immigrant visa);
- refugee;
- a person whose deportation has been canceled by a court;
- victim or relative of a victim of human trafficking.
Single persons and families with or without children are eligible.
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Income Requirements
Household must be earning less than 50% of the Area Median Income (AMI) for the area in which the voucher will be used. A family's AMI is determined by its gross income, which is the amount of money received before taxes and other expenses. Employment income received by family members under the age of 18 is not taken into account.
How to find the AMI for my area
Typically, the housing authority provides a chart of income limits for different family sizes.
They can also be found by following a few simple steps:
- Go to affordable housing website.
- Enter your city or county in the search bar at the top of the page and select your region from the drop-down menu that appears.
- Scroll down to the table under Income Requirements for HUD Rental Assistance.
How to apply for participation in the program
If you would like to apply for a voucher, please contact your local PHA office at link.
How to get more information
For more help visit program website and click Local Offices on the left side of the page.
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For more information, please contact the Customer Service Center at link. Вyou can also call 1-800-955-2232, from 09:00 to 17:00 Eastern Standard Time (EST) daily, Monday through Friday.
The program newsletter can be found at link.