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If you want to look 10 years younger than your age, eat these 6 foods


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Yes, genes play a role in aging. As well as lifestyle choices, such as whether you smoke or drink. Another aging factor? Your diet. And if you're looking for smoother, more hydrated, and/or reduced risk of inflammatory conditions, the following products may help, he advises. Eat this.

Below, nutritionists talk about their basic eating patterns to follow and the foods to eat if you want to have glowing skin.

Add more plant-based protein sources to your diet

Vegetable protein will help not only build muscle mass, but also help you look younger.

“Protein is essential for building and repairing cells and tissues. It is also an essential component of collagen, an important building block of skin that helps keep it firm, supple and youthful,” says Lissey Medical Experts Board. Lakatos, RDN. CDN, CFT and Tammy Lakatos Shames, RDN, CDN, CFT, The Nutrition Twins, founders of The 21-Day Body Reboot.

Mitchell Wright, RDN, RD, founder and editor of, talks about the importance of collagen. “Collagen is naturally present in the body but is broken down and produced less efficiently as we age,” she says.

Eating protein-rich foods that help collagen synthesis will keep your skin healthy and rejuvenated.

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Plant-based proteins also support healthier looking skin as we age, thanks to their antioxidant content. “While [some] animal protein variants cause inflammation and damage the skin due to their saturated fat content, plant protein sources such as pistachios contain antioxidants. They help keep the body youthful by preventing inflammation that damages the skin,” adds The Nutrition Twins.

eat tomatoes

A tomato a day - and no plastic surgery? Combined with a healthy diet and the right lifestyle, maybe that's the way it is.

“These red gemstones contain lycopene, an antioxidant that helps protect your skin from UV damage. You will get the most out of tomato consumption. Consume tomato products like tomato paste or tomato sauce,” says Amy Gorin, MS, RDN, registered dietitian and owner of Master the Media.

В British Journal of Dermatology published research results. 20 healthy women ate 55 grams (about 2 ounces) of tomato paste in olive oil daily for about three months. These women did not experience the acute effects of photoaging, nor the potentially long-term effects of UV damage.

Make extra virgin olive oil your favorite oil

Olive oil cold-pressed is not only a heart-healthy part of the Mediterranean diet. It is an indispensable ingredient in your daily life and search for the fountain of youth. “Rich with antioxidants such as tocopherols, beta-carotene, and phenolic compounds that help reduce oxidative damage and inflammation caused by free radicals, [Cold-Pressed Olive Oil] may keep skin supple and youthful,” says The Nutrition Twins.

Olive oil is 73% monounsaturated fat. Studies have shown that a diet rich in monounsaturated fats can help slow skin aging. Olive oil has also been shown to protect against sun aging. They recommend replacing refined vegetable oils such as corn, canola and soybean oils with olive oil. It should be used for making dressings, sauces and marinades.

Five prunes daily

Buy prunes in bulk. Prunes are one of the best foods to help you look younger. There is nothing younger than a beautiful posture and no stoop, as is usually the case with age. Prunes are rich in nutrients that affect bone health. It contains boron, potassium, vitamin K and phenolic compounds rich in antioxidants. Studies have shown that eating just five to six prunes a day has a positive effect on bone mineral density and strength.

In addition, strong, healthy bones are essential for maintaining healthy toned muscles and a toned body, which also makes you look younger.

For younger skin, it's also important to avoid processed, sugary foods that cause inflammation and age the skin. So eat some prunes instead to satisfy your sugar cravings.

Eat at least one serving of oily fish per week

“Fatty fish like salmon helps people look younger,” says Wright. – Omega-3 fats help reduce inflammation, which can damage the skin. In addition, oily fish contains a large amount of protein, which plays an important role in the formation of collagen and elastin, which are necessary to maintain skin firmness and elasticity.

Fill the fridge with avocado

“Avocados are high in unsaturated fats and fiber, which promote healthy skin,” Wright explains. The monounsaturated fats in avocados contribute to the formation of a healthy skin membrane. At the same time, high levels of antioxidants fight the free radicals that contribute to skin damage and aging. This generally results in younger looking skin.

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