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Fair Fares: How New Yorkers Can Get Half Price Subway Passes


Lyudmila Balabay

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On August 12, Fair Fares took place at Alby Square in Brooklyn. Mayor's Public Engagement Unit and other city agencies told New Yorkers how they can get a reduced public transit pass. Such travel cards allow you to ride the subway and buses at half price.

Dozens of City Hall staff and volunteers briefed event attendees on who was eligible for Fair Fares concessionary passes and helped them complete their application for the program.

The face-to-face event was the culmination of the city's public relations campaign, in which New Yorkers were told by phone and text messages about the city's public transit benefits available to them.

Fair Fares NYC is a City program that helps low-income New Yorkers reduce their travel costs. The Fair Fares NYC Metrocard gives you a 50% discount on New York City subways and buses, and you can also get a discounted MTA Access-A-Ride pass for paratransit trips. At the moment, more than 250 thousand residents of the metropolis use these benefits.

How to enroll in Fair Fares NYC

You can register for the Fair Fares NYC Metrocard online. To do this, go to link. There you will need to answer a few questions to check if you qualify for the program, and then fill out an application. In addition, you may be required to upload proof of identity and income. You can also fill out an application in the application ACCESS HRA.

If you need help completing the application, call 311 or visit the Department of Human Resources office, you can find the office closest to you here to register:.

Program Requirements Fair Fares NYC

If you want to get a reduced travel pass, you must meet three basic requirements:

1. Age from 18 to 64 years.

2. Living in New York City.

3. Annual income within the limits indicated in the table below:

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