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The FBI is investigating Adams' ties to Uzbekistan and five other countries, who illegally donated money to him during the election.


ForumDaily New York

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The FBI's investigation into administration officials and New York City Mayor Eric Adams himself is expanding. The feds are looking into materials related to illegal donations from six countries to the mayor's 6 election campaign, reports ABC7.

Last November The FBI seized Adams' phones and iPad. As part of a separate federal investigation, the FBI is looking into whether his 2021 presidential campaign received illegal contributions from Turkish citizens and government officials.

The investigation covers Adams' ties not only to Turkey but also to Israel, Qatar, China, South Korea and the former Soviet republic of Uzbekistan - the only one of the six he did not visit.

On the subject: FBI raids Adams administration officials: Mayor keeps quiet

The main question investigators are trying to answer is whether the mayor received illegal campaign contributions from the Turkish government for the 2021 election. The feds want to find out whether the fire department was pressured to approve a new high-rise Turkish consulate despite security concerns.

Prosecutors are now seeking more information related to interactions with five other countries.

Mayor Adams has denied any wrongdoing. He spoke at a public meeting in the Bronx and said his administration was focused on serving the city.

"This is a team of people who are committed to New York City. This is one of the most diverse administrations in the history of our city. We will get the job done," Adams said.

It is important to note that another high-ranking An official in Mayor Adams' administration has resigned. New York City Health Commissioner Dr. Ashwin Vasan will step down by the end of the year.

He says he is leaving the post for personal reasons, not because of ongoing federal investigations into the Adams administration.

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