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Pakistani Man Planned Shooting at Brooklyn Jewish Center: FBI Prevents It


ForumDaily New York

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FBI uncovers terrorist plan to carry out mass shooting at New York Jewish center, reports Pix11.

Many Jews in the Big Apple were horrified to learn of an alleged terrorist plot against their center in Brooklyn.

The mass shooting was scheduled to take place on the first anniversary of the Hamas attack on Israel, October 7.

On the subject: Jews believe they are no longer safe to live in New York

"We will not allow terrorists to stop us from being together," said Rabbi Joseph Potasnik, executive vice president of the New York Board of Rabbis.

Few members of the Lubavitch community in Crown Heights had heard of the foiled terrorist plot against Jewish center. The Justice Department announced the news late on September 6, the night before Shabbat. Orthodox Jews do not use phones or the Internet on that day.

FBI Operation Details

The Pakistani, Mohamed Shahzeb Khan, 20, was arrested 20km north of the US-Canada border. He was travelling to New York from Toronto to commit the mass shooting.

According to the 19-page indictment, Kahn targeted Jewish center in Brooklyn. The feds did not specify the exact location of the target. Many believed it was the Chabad Lubavitch World Headquarters on Eastern Parkway.

"Kahn used encrypted communications to plan his attack on a Jewish center in New York City. It was scheduled for October 7, the anniversary of the attack on Israel," said FBI agent Rob Kissane.

Kan began spreading ISIS propaganda on social media, eventually sending a message to two undercover law enforcement officers.

"New York is ideal because it has the largest Jewish population in America. If we succeed with our plan, it will be the largest attack on US soil since 11/XNUMX," Kahn wrote in the messages.

He called on undercover FBI agents to arm themselves with AR-15-type rifles, ammunition and other weapons.

“I couldn’t believe that a 20-year-old man was so filled with hatred,” Rabbi Potasnik said. “I don’t understand how we can go through this after the horror of October 7.”

With increased police presence at synagogues and Jewish centers across the city next month, Rabbi Potasnik said New York City Jews will continue to do what they always do.

"This is not the first time we have faced threats to our safety. Fortunately, New York has the largest police department. You will see synagogues filled to capacity," the rabbi concluded.

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