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Where to get a free mammogram in New York if you don't have insurance


Alina Prikhodko

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Early detection and diagnosis are your best defense against breast cancer, but knowing where to get tested without insurance can be difficult. Portal Talktomira I found five places where you can get a mammogram in New York without insurance, either for free or at a deep discount.

Some mammograms without insurance can cost as much as $500. The decision about when to have a mammogram varies from person to person, depending on age, genetics, and other factors.

In 1992, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) allocated funds for the early detection of breast and cervical cancer. In New York State, as part of Programs Oncology services provide free screening and diagnosis of breast, cervical and colon cancer to individuals who meet the following criteria:

  • residence in New York State;
  • lack of health insurance;
  • having health insurance with a cost-sharing component that may prevent you from receiving screening and/or diagnostic services;
  • compliance with income requirements;
  • compliance with age requirements.

If you have questions about your status, call 1(866) 422-2262 for more information about your eligibility and where to get screened. These services are available in all counties and boroughs of New York State through CSP-participating health care providers, local clinics, health centers, physician offices, and hospitals.

Cancer screening services offered by CSP:

Breast cancer screening (mammogram and clinical breast examination)

  • Women aged 40 and over (some programs only serve women aged 50 and over)
  • Women under 40 years of age at high risk of developing breast cancer*

Cervical cancer screening (Pap test, high-risk HPV test, and pelvic exam)

  • Women aged 40 years and older

Colorectal cancer screening (stool occult blood test/stool immunochemical test kit)

  • People aged 45 years and older with an average risk of developing colorectal cancer*

Colorectal cancer screening (colonoscopy)

  • People at increased or high risk of developing colorectal cancer*

*Only as determined by a New York State licensed healthcare professional in accordance with program guidelines.

New York City Healthcare and Hospitals

NYC Health + Hospitals provides essential inpatient, outpatient, and home health care to more than one million New Yorkers each year, regardless of their ability to pay. With more than 70 locations in five boroughs, NYC Health + Hospitals offers services to uninsured and underinsured patients. If you are uninsured, NYC Health + Hospitals can refer you for breast cancer screenings and mammograms.

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Breast cancer is one of the most common cancers among women in New York City, with more than 17 cases diagnosed each year and about 800 deaths. Women are encouraged to begin annual screening mammograms at age 2. The cost of a screening mammogram without insurance is about $460. These programs help women, regardless of their insurance status, overcome barriers to access.

Five places where you can get a mammogram in New York without insurance:

1. The Brooklyn Hospital Center

Address: 121 Dekalb Avenue Fort Greene/Downtown Brooklyn

Brooklyn Hospital Center (TBHC) offers free breast cancer screening (mammogram and clinical breast exam) to uninsured and underinsured patients. TBHS partners with the Cancer Services Program to provide services to patients who meet the following criteria:

  • Women aged 40 years and older,
  • Women under 40 years of age at high risk of developing breast cancer*

*Risk determinations can only be made by a New York State licensed healthcare professional.

CSP covers the entire Brooklyn area and is committed to helping you schedule appointments with participating physicians that are most convenient to your location. Click hereto make an appointment online or by phone.

2. Manhattan Cancer Services Program: Avon Foundation Breast Imaging Center

Address: 1130 Nicholas Avenue at 166th Street New York, NY 1003

Manhattan Cancer Services Program: Avon Foundation Breast Imaging Center
The Avon Foundation Breast Imaging Center (AFBIC) is a screening department located at NewYork-Presbyterian/Columbia University Medical Center. AFBIC offers imaging services using state-of-the-art digital mammography to help detect cancer at its earliest stages. Images of the breast are captured on a computer instead of using X-ray film and then sent to a diagnostic center for review by radiologists.

To access services without insurance, AFBIC partners with the Manhattan Cancer Services Program. To see a doctor, you must meet the following requirements:

  • resides in Manhattan and is at least 40 years old;
  • has not had a screening mammogram within the last year.

For more information click here. To make an appointment, call 212-851-4516.

3. Bronx Cancer Service Program: Lincoln Breast Center- NYC Health and Hospital Corporation

Address: 234 E 149th ST, The Bronx, Ny 10451

In 2009, Lincoln Hospital Breast Center became the first New York City facility to receive national ACS accreditation, demonstrating excellence in breast cancer care.

NYC Health + Hospitals/Lincoln offers breast cancer screening and mammograms without insurance. It will help you apply for health insurance if you are interested. Let’s say you don’t qualify for health insurance. In that case, it offers help enrolling you in NYC Care, a program that acts as insurance for New Yorkers.

For more information click here. To make an appointment, call 1-844-692-4692.

4. Memorial Sloan Kettering Commack Nonna's Garden Foundation Center

Address: 650 Commack Road, Commack NY 11725

Free mammograms Memorial Sloan Kettering Commack Cancer Center offers breast cancer screening services to Long Island residents who are uninsured or underinsured. In partnership with CSP of Western Suffolk County, the Center is contracted to provide breast cancer screening services to patients who meet the following criteria:

  • age 50 years and older, complete absence of insurance or partial availability of it;
  • Women under 50 years of age are encouraged to contact CSP to determine eligibility.

If CSP members are diagnosed with breast cancer and require treatment, they may be eligible for the Medicaid Cancer Treatment Program, which provides full coverage of outpatient treatment services. Click hereto make an appointment.

5. Long Island Jewish Medical Center (residents of Nassau and Queens)

Address: 270-05 76th Avenue New Hyde Park, New York 11040

Long Island Jewish Medical Center offers free cancer screenings to uninsured clients. These services include breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screenings. To be eligible for these services, you must meet the following criteria:

  • lack of insurance,
  • living in Nassau or Queens,
  • reaching the age of 50-64 years.

The Greater NYC Affiliate of Susan G. Komen for the Cure supports a cancer screening program for residents of Nassau and Queens counties. In addition, community events/programs are conducted in addition to free screening programs. Click hereto view the calendar of public events.

To make an appointment and for more information about eligibility, call 718-470-4165.

Additional resources

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Several organizations provide free breast cancer screenings throughout New York. You can register at local clinics and imaging centers for free or at reduced prices. Clinics worth paying attention to:


ScanVan covers five boroughs each year and visits more than 240 locations to provide access to mobile mammography regardless of insurance status or ability to pay. Each year, 4600 women receive free mammograms using ScanVan. For more information or to schedule an appointment, call (646) 415-7932.

Mobile Mammography Clinic

The mobile mammography clinic is part of New York State's breast cancer programs. If you are a woman 40 years of age or older and have not had a mammogram in the last year without signs or symptoms of breast cancer, you are eligible. Click here, to view the event calendar or call 844-396-2666 to schedule an appointment.

Planned Parenthood

You can get a breast exam at your local Planned Parenthood center, which offers discounts for uninsured patients. If you need additional tests during your visit, the center staff can help you connect with available providers.

NYC 311 Portal

Call 311 for additional help finding facilities and local health centers that offer mammograms to eligible uninsured women at little or no cost. Visit Site Finderto find a clinic online, and be sure to check that they offer mammograms at a clinic in your area.


Mira works as an alternative to insurance (for an average of $45 per month) to ensure optimal health, offering access to specialists and imaging referrals from a dedicated team.

What is mammography?

Mammography is the best way to detect breast cancer early, and regular mammography reduces the risk of dying from breast cancer. It is best to consult with your doctor to determine your wellness path.

A mammogram is an X-ray of the breast, which is performed using a machine designed to examine breast tissue. These tests can be used for breast cancer screening, follow-up and diagnosis.

The mammogram process takes about 30 minutes from start to finish. Your breast will be pressed between two hard surfaces of the mammogram machine for 20 to 30 seconds. This allows the breast tissue to stretch and straighten out. The images of your breasts are then scanned and examined by a radiologist for signs of breast cancer.

What is the difference between diagnostic and screening mammography?

Women who have no visible symptoms undergo annual screening mammograms to detect breast cancer. If the screening mammogram reveals signs of cancer or abnormalities in the breast tissue, diagnostic mammograms are used as a more in-depth examination, ordered by a doctor for further evaluation.

These tests cannot diagnose breast cancer – only a biopsy can. Biopsy procedures depend on a variety of factors: the size of the tumor in your breast, its location, and whether there is more than one suspicious area. Talk to your doctor about the type of biopsy you need so you know what to expect during the procedure.

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