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Where, When, and Who to Vote for: A Guide to New York's 2021 Election


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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In June, New Yorkers selected Eric Adams and Curtis Sliva as the main Democratic and Republican candidates for mayor of New York, respectively. At the end of October - beginning of November, we have to determine which of the two candidates will take the chair of the head of the city in January 2022, reports Gothamist.

The next mayor will take office during the ongoing pandemic. He will need to spearhead a massive effort to revitalize the economy and transform the city, among a host of other pressing issues. Here's what you need to know before heading to the polls and casting your vote.

When can you vote

Early voting will begin in New York tomorrow, October 23rd, and will last until October 31st; general voting day - November 2 (polling stations will be open from 6:00 to 21:00).

The last day for sending an absentee ballot is November 2 (according to the postmark on the envelope).

Where to vote

You can find your site for early voting and voting on election day here (there is a high probability that they will be different).

Candidate debates

The first debate of the mayoral candidates (Eric Adams vs Curtis Pliva) took place on 20 October. ForumDaily New York described their results in this stuff.

The second debate of candidates for mayor (Eric Adams vs Curtis Pliva) will take place on October 26 (19:00 - 20:00).

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What will be in the newsletter

A sample voting ballot can be seen here.

In each ballot, voters will see a list of candidates for mayor of New York:

In addition, New Yorkers are being asked to amend state legislation. There will be five legislative initiatives in the bulletin. Details can be found in our material.

Borough presidential candidates will also be on the ballot. Read about why this post is important and what the president of borough is doing. here to register:.

Borough presidential candidates


  • Democrat - Vanessa L. Gibson
  • Republican - Janelle King
  • Conservative - Sammy Ravelo


  • Democrat - Antonio Rey noso
  • Republican and Conservative Parties - Menachem M. Wrightport
  • Voices for Change Party - Shanduk L. McFutter
  • Rent Is 2 Damn High Party - Anthony T. Jones


  • Democrat - Mark D. Levin
  • Republican - Louis Pouliafito
  • Libertarian - Michael Levin


  • Democrat - Donovan J. Richards, Jr.
  • Republican / Save our City / Conservative - Thomas J. Zmich

Staten Island:

  • Democratic and Staten Island 1st Parties - Mark S. Murphy
  • Republican - Vito Fossella
  • Conservative - Leticia M. Remauro

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In addition, the ballot will include candidates for judicial positions, for the post of city controller, public defender, several district attorneys, as well as candidates for the city council. Russian-speaking candidates for the City Council of New York can be found at this stuff.

When will we know the winner

If there are no surprises, we will find out the results of the mayoral elections on the night of November 3. By that time, the absentee ballots still have not been counted, so the results will be unofficial. But absentee ballots are unlikely to change the leader of the race, so these results can be considered final.

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