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Where to get a free COVID-19 test in New York


ForumDaily New York

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If you are planning to celebrate Christmas with friends or loved ones and want to be sure that you are not exposing them to the risk of infection, then it's time to do a pre-holiday COVID-19 test. In New York, this can be done for free. But testing points will be closed from 14:00 on December 24th and throughout the day on December 25th, so it's best to hurry.

Photo: Shutterstock

Where to find a testing point

New York City Hall published on your site mapto help you find a COVID-19 testing site near you. Just enter your zip code and you will be presented with options for places where you can get tested.

Since the map was created not by the city, but by the company Castlight: COVID-19 Resource Center, not all test sites listed on it are part of the NYC Test & Trace Corps program and are free. Before the visit, it is better to call the point and clarify the conditions.

For, to find a free test site in New York, go to here to register:. There you will see a list of test locations available through the NYC Test & Trace Corps program. It is divided by borough, which greatly simplifies the search process. The list also includes the address, opening hours and telephone number of each test site.

On the subject: New Yorkers can get tested for COVID-19 at home: how to do it

In addition, the nearest testing center can be found by sending an SMS with the text "COVID TEST" to number 855-48 or by calling 212-COVID19 (212-268-4319), the answering machine there needs to say "COVID-19 Test", and it will redirect the call to the desired line.

How is testing done

The COVID-19 diagnostic test is simple and free. A nasal or oral swab can be used for testing.

All New Yorkers can get tested, regardless of symptoms. Moreover, the authorities are urging as many people as possible to get tested to reduce the risk of asymptomatic spread of the virus.

Results are confidential and will be available 3-5 days after swab collection.

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