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Where to watch movies this summer: top 12 open-air cinemas in New York


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Spreading out a blanket and watching movies outdoors has always been a favorite summer pastime in New York. More and more people are spending time outdoors this year, which is why summer outdoor cinemas are extremely popular. The list of the best of them was collected by the edition Time-out.

Photo: Shutterstock

Free Movies in Bryant Park

Free movies are back in Bryant Park. Shows are held on Monday and Tuesday evenings to cater to the high interest of residents. As always, the events will be free to the public, with each screening starting shortly after sunset (around 20: 00-21: 00). You can find out more here.

  • August 23 - "Clueless" (Clueless)
  • September 14 - "Moulin Rouge!" (Moulin Rouge!
  • September 27 - "The Phantom of the Opera" (Phantom of the Opera
  • September 28 - Mrs Doubtfire (Mrs. doubtfire)

Movies With A View in Brooklyn Bridge Park

A series of film screenings with stunning views of the Manhattan skyline will return to Brooklyn Bridge Park in August. It is one of the city's most popular free open-air film screenings. The theme of this year's shows is firmness. The audience will be presented with films about successful losers, about human perseverance and resilience. More information here:.

Film screenings are scheduled for the following dates. Entry from 18:00, and the cinema starts at sunset:

  • August 5 - "Zombie Called Sean" (Shaun of the Dead)
    August 12 - Patty Cakes (Patti Cake $)
    August 19 - Akila's Trial (2006, directed by Doug Atchison)

Screenings of films under the stars in parks in New York

New York City Parks and the New York City Hall of Media and Entertainment have provided New York City residents with free open-air film screenings in different neighborhoods every week. These family screenings take place in city parks and playgrounds. The audience will be presented with both new films and classic films. Each viewing has seats for the elderly and people with disabilities. Full Schedule here.

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Car cinema with city view

This motoring cinema in Greenpoint, Brooklyn offers stunning views of Manhattan. There is a kiosk on site selling snacks and drinks, and if you don't have a car, don't worry, you can rent a chair ($ 22) to watch a movie. You can find the full timetable here... Ticket prices range from $ 22 to $ 80.

Photo: Shutterstock

Evening shows at Queens Botanical Gardens

It is one of the most beautiful outdoor movie spots in New York City. The garden offers great views of the sunset sky and seasonal movie-themed food and drinks. Ticket prices start at $ 15 per adult (or $ 25 for a couple) and $ 12 per child ($ 50 for a family of four).

Show schedule:

  • July 24 - "Raya and the Last Dragon" (Raya and the Last Dragon)
  • August 6 - Wonder Woman 1984 (Wonder Woman 1984)
  • August 20 - "Everest" (Abominable)

Movies on the roof

These screenings have been running in New York for the 25th year. The company intends to celebrate its anniversary with truly remarkable films. Screenings will include a range of cultural events such as live music, immersive performances, and Q&A sessions with filmmakers. Some screenings are free, but most tickets are $ 16. schedule here:.

Cinema on the 17th pier

The Seaport Cinema at Pier 17 has movie screenings on Monday nights. Spectators will enjoy incredible panoramic views of Lower Manhattan and the Brooklyn Bridge, as well as free drinks and popcorn. Entrance to the event from 20:00, screenings - from 20:30. Details - here.


  • July 26 - "Miracle" (Miracle)
  • August 2 - "Remembering the Titans" (Remember the Titans
  • August 9 - "School of Rock" (School of Rock
  • August 16 - "High and confused" (Dazed and Confused)
  • August 23 - "Moana" (Moana

Outdoor movies at Nowadays Restaurant

With its first-class sound system, exquisite menu and deeply relaxing atmosphere, Nowadays is a great place to watch a movie. Films are broadcast there at no additional cost, starting at 20:30.

Schedule for July:

  • July 19 - The Upsetter
  • 26 July - Underground Nation
  • July 27-28 - Wild Style

You can find out more here.

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Outdoor cinema in Syndicated

Bushwick's Syndicated is a place with great food and movies. Films start every evening at 21:00, and you can take seats in the hall on a first come, first served basis. You just need to order something from the menu.

List of impressions - here.

Car cinema in Queens

An in-car movie theater is open until October at the New York Science Hall in Flushing Meadows Crown Park. Cinema guests can look forward to pre-film entertainment in the form of live performances, conversations with representatives of the film industry, various shows and much more. Tickets start at $ 35 per car (up to 4 passengers per car). The doors will open every evening at about 19:30, the show starts at 20:30 and ends at 23:00.

See full schedule here.

Photo: Shutterstock

Pix on the Plaza at The Standard

Enjoy your favorite movies, cult classics, Hollywood glamor and more with drinks, snacks and candy. Free popcorn is also offered. Full Schedule here:.

  • July 20 - "Auntie Mame" (Auntie Mame
  • July 25 - "An American in Paris" (An American in Paris)
  • July 26 - "Goonies" (The Goonies
  • July 27 - “Barefoot in the Park” (Barefoot in the Park

Films on The Green Festival

This is a free open-air French film festival. It takes place in New York from July 9th to 30th. Do not miss scheduled screenings in four parks in Manhattan, illustrating the diversity of French and French-language cinema. Free online views are also available. Details and Schedule - here:.

All screenings will be subtitled in English, free and open to the public. Capacity and ticket availability will be limited due to security requirements due to COVID-19. Shows start at 20:30.

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