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Where in New York you can learn English for free


Nadezhda Verbitskaya

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The New York Public Library (NYPL) helps adults improve their communication skills in English. Several types of free English classes are available at more than 20 library locations in the Bronx, Manhattan and Staten Island, according to the website. NYPL.

These classes are held throughout the year in 10-week cycles. Most of them provide classes two days a week for two hours a day. Some come once a week - on Saturday morning for four hours. Classes are designed for people with different levels of language proficiency - from beginner to advanced. To register for classes, click here.

The following classes are available:

  1. ESOL (English as a second language) classes: for non-native English speakers to improve their listening, reading and writing skills.
  2. Basic education classes for adults: for students who already speak English but want to improve their reading and writing skills.
  3. English courses for work: for intermediate and advanced English speakers who are looking for a job or are already working and want to get a better job.

Online and face-to-face classes are available.

Training details

Information sessions

At the Information session, you will be able to make an appointment to register for classes.

Please note:

  • classes will run from Monday, October 3rd to Saturday, December 17th;
  • they are intended for adults aged 18 and over;
  • conducted online or in person;
  • must live, work or study in New York;
  • you must be tested to determine your level of English;
  • no documents will be required from you;
  • limited number of seats.

Check out schedule of upcoming information sessions. For the most up-to-date information on these classes, please contact your local public library office.

Informal English Conversation Classes “We Speak New York”

These are fun interactive activities. You will talk about New York, current events, family life and holidays and meet other English learners.

Check out full class calendar!

Some classes are held in-person at the Stavros Niarchos Foundation Library. Some classes are held ONLINE. Please read the announcements in the schedule carefully and register.

Registration opens one week before each class.

You will immediately receive a confirmation email. You will then receive a reminder email 2 days before class.

On the subject: New York schools where you can learn English for free

INTELLIGENT conversation classes for the Intermediate level:

Please note: in these classes, students watch the same movie throughout the week, but the topics of discussion change. Next week - a new film and so on.

Classes are held on Mondays, from 14:00 to 16:00 at SNFL (6th floor).

Link for registration: 29 of August; There will be no class on September 5th.

INTELLIGENT conversational class for the level Advanced:

Monday, 16:00-18:00 SNFL, 6th floor

Link for registration: 29 of August

INTELLIGENT conversation classes for the mixed level Intermediate-Advanced:

Classes are held on Wednesdays from 17:30-19:30 at SNFL, 6th floor.

Please note: students watch the same film in all classes during one week, but the topics of discussion change. New movie next week and so on.

Links for registration: 24 of August; 31 of August.

ONLINE conversation classes for the level Intermediate:

You will receive a Zoom link 2 days before class starts. Classes are held on Mondays once every two weeks, from 14:00 to 16:00.

The next classes will take place on September 19 and September 26.

ONLINE conversation classes for the level Advanced:

You will receive a Zoom link 2 days before class starts.

Classes are held on Mondays from 18:00 to 20:00 (the next will be held on September 12, 19 and 26), and on Wednesdays from 10:00 to 12:00 (September 21).

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