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UFO in New York: where the state has the highest chance of meeting aliens


Vita Popova

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Americans are used to everything unusual. Some are convinced that they saw Bigfoot in the Adirondack Mountains, and the inhabitants of the Hudson Valley are sure that UFOs are a frequent visitor to these places. More recently, passengers on a plane from Cincinnati, Ohio to Phoenix, Arizona, observed a fast moving "long cylindrical object"... If you also want to see something unusual, then the edition Only in your state has compiled a list of places in New York State where UFOs are most often seen.

Photo: Shutterstock

Many residents of the area that stretches down the Hudson Valley witnessed unusual phenomena in the sky in 2018. According to the National Center for Reporting UFOs (Unidentified Flying Objects), the most comprehensive and up-to-date source of information about unidentified flying objects, something really strange was observed between January and December.

If you've ever wondered what part of New York you can see UFOs in, then you better not read any further. After all, once you read to the end and know what is happening in the Hudson Valley, you will know exactly where to look.

When a UFO was observed in New York

According to information collected by the National UFO Reporting Center, between January and December 2018, a minimum of 11 UFO sightings were recorded in the New York region of the Hudson Valley. However, many of them are recorded in one city or within a few hours drive from it.

The first UFO event occurred in the Hudson Valley on 12 on January 2018, over the Hudson River in Pokeepsi. Near 16: 00 there was seen a "sphere of light", which, according to eyewitnesses, was observed for a minute.

On the subject: 'This is what': US Navy pilots talked about encounters with UFOs

The next encounter with the unusual event occurred on February 2 of 2018 of the year in 16: 45. At this time, a rapidly moving oval object was seen over Powling.

Another meeting took place on March 24, when early in the morning unusual flickering lights appeared in the sky over Bloomingburg.

Apparently, the spring season is not very popular with UFOs, because the next case of its appearance in the Hudson Valley occurred only on 8 of June. On this day, several oval objects soared in the sky over the Hudson for more than 90 minutes.

A little over a week later, on 16 of June, a lot of orange objects were seen in the night sky over the White Plains. After that, there was a break for three whole months before the next unusual occurrence occurred in the Hudson Valley.

Where the UFO was observed twice

The only city to make the list twice (September 15 and 16) is Middletown, New York. Here, according to eyewitnesses, fireballs of light were observed twice in the sky. This is probably the best city to visit for those who yearn to see UFOs with their own eyes.

It is worth mentioning that Pine Bush, New York is also part of this area - the small town is known as the center of the East Coast UFOs. Both city residents and visitors alike report strange phenomena dating back to the early 1960s.

If we talk about the most recent cases of the appearance of UFOs in New York, then it is worth mentioning 12 November 2018 year. Then there was a message that an airplane flew over Woodstock, which, due to the lack of flashing lights, was not recognized as an airplane. After just over two weeks, on November 30, a large and dark aircraft was seen hovering over the I-84 motorway below New Paltz.

Last December 7 over Westtown, a blue object resembling a star was seen behind an airplane, which then followed behind him before disappearing. A few days before the New Year, December 26, in Fishkill, again above I-84, yellow and red flashing lights were seen revolving around their center.

Recall that in the 2007 year, the Pentagon, by order of Congress, created unofficial UFO study program.

The program was aimed at studying flying objects observed by pilots and military personnel. According to them, the aircraft they saw were much more advanced than similar arsenals from around the world.

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