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How a student can get an internship at Google: Applications open for winter 2025


ForumDaily New York

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Google is opening its doors to students who want to apply for its winter 2025 software engineering internship. ContentTechgig tells how to do it.

This is an exciting opportunity for those in their final year of an undergraduate, postgraduate or double degree in Computer Science or a related field.

If you are a budding software engineer looking to gain real-world experience work at one of the most innovative companies in the world, this could be the perfect opportunity for you.

How to apply

Apply here.

To begin the submission process Applications, make sure you have an updated resume in English.

The application process is simple:

  • Attach your resume: highlight your coding skills and relevant experience;
  • Higher education details: fill in the required fields in the Higher education section, select Now attending for Degree status;
  • Click the Apply button and you're done!

Google prefers PDF files for smoother processing. If you are selected, you will get the opportunity to work in one of their Indian branches: Bangalore, Karnataka, Hyderabad, Telangana.

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As a Software Engineering Intern, you'll be part of an innovative team that creates and supports productive solutions.

What do interns do?

Your daily tasks will include the following:

  • developing scripts to automate repetitive tasks and improve efficiency;
  • analyzing information to solve real-world problems using knowledge gained from computer science courses;
  • Collaborate with colleagues, managers and teams to create a positive and creative environment.

Minimum requirements

To be considered for candidacy, you must meet the following criteria:

  • You must be enrolled in an associate's, bachelor's, master's, or related technical degree program;
  • experience in software development (required!);
  • Ability to code in languages ​​such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Python or similar.

Preferred qualifications

Having experience in some of the following areas will strengthen your application:

  • development of web and mobile applications Unix/Linux;
  • machine learning;
  • software development;
  • data security and more.

In addition, the ideal candidate should be fluent in English to engage in complex technical discussions and be prepared to work full-time for at least 6 months outside of the university semester.

Why apply?

This internship is more than just a chance to gain hands-on experience at a global tech giant. It will give you the opportunity to be part of a team that encourages innovation and creativity. You will work on real problems with real solutions. You will have the opportunity to grow, learn, and gain skills that will benefit your future career.

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