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An Old Estate and 7000 Glowing Pumpkins: How to Have an Unforgettable Halloween in New York


ForumDaily New York

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The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze in Hudson Valley invites guests to stroll through the 7000th century estate and see a breathtaking display of over XNUMX glowing pumpkins.

All designed and hand carved on site by a team of craftsmen, this is a unique event with synchronized lighting and original soundtracks, not to be missed!

Halloween Extravaganza in the Hudson Valley

The Great Jack O'Lantern Blaze offers a variety of fun for the whole family.

  • Where: Van Cortlandt Manor, 525 South Riverside Avenue, Croton on Hudson, NY 10520.
  • When: September 13 – November 17.

Tickets can be bought here.

On the subject: New York's Halloween Parade Will Be Cat-Themed, Well, Almost...

Take a stroll along a spectacular pumpkin trail on the grounds of an 18th-century estate, complete with a giant birthday cake and Celebration Arch. You will be able to take a look at Gourd & Goblet Tavern. This is a new VIP entertainment on pumpkin path.

Visitors will meet pumpkin monsters from classic films and see a giant Kraken rising from the Croton River.

The area features life-size dinosaurs, a seven-meter spider web, the Pumpkin Planetarium, and a working carousel.

Indulge in fall-themed sweets and snacks at Café Blaze. Guests will be intrigued to stop by the Blaze Boo-tique for exclusive souvenirs.

Proceeds from ticket sales support educational and conservation efforts in the historic Hudson Valley.

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