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For the first time in history, Governor's Island will be open to the public all year round: what's interesting there


Nurgul Sultanova-Chetin

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Governor's Island is the perfect escape from the bustle of New York City. But before it was possible to escape there only in the summer, now the island will be available for visiting for the first time all year round. Secret nyc.

Photo: Shutterstock

For the first time in history, a 70-hectare island in New York Harbor will open to the public all year round. The season usually runs from May to October. But from this year the island will not be closed at all, and it will continue to operate in the cold season.

Just imagine, now you can go sledging there! ..

What's interesting on Governor's Island

Park great for families with tons of free activities for all ages. The island is also known for its amazing music and cultural festivals such as the Lawn Jazz Party and the New York City Poetry Festival.

New Yorkers can enjoy open spaces, cultural facilities and recreational resources.

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The island offers everything from cultural installations and historical sites to street food caravans and unique restaurants. For example, there is Fort Jay on Governor's Island, a former army post built back in 1794.

The island is currently open from 10:00 am to 18:00 pm, Monday through Thursday. From Friday to Sunday, the island is open from 10:00 to 19:00. It is not yet clear what kind of entertainment will be offered to guests in winter, but everyone hopes that they will include an ice rink, because it should offer breathtaking views.

How to get to the island

Governor's Island can only be reached by ferry. It means that ferry service New York City to Governor's Island will be expanded to seven days a week throughout the year.

This includes a typical summer pick-up from Pier 11 / Wall Street, as well as additional South Brooklyn route services on weekdays and non-summer weekends.

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