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New York's Halloween Parade Will Be Cat-Themed, Well, Almost...


ForumDaily New York

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51st Annual Parade Village halloween parade in New York is one of the most anticipated events of the year. It will take place on October 31. Time-out told about the theme of this year's parade. It will surprise you.

The event's theme was "Meow," a subtle reference to a comment Republican vice presidential nominee J.D. Vance made during a 2021 interview with Fox News host Tucker Carlson.

During the show, Vance spoke of "a bunch of childless cat ladies who are miserable with their lives and the choices they've made. So they want to make the rest of the country miserable, too."

The choice of the new theme is "not political," says Jean Fleming, who served as parade director for 44 years.

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According to Fleming, the theme was originally supposed to be "Nonsense," but when an old interview surfaced, the organizers decided to change it.

Jean Fleming explained that the theme is not meant as a direct attack on any political party. Rather, it is a sign of the times. The black cat is a very traditional symbol of witches during the spooky season.

The organizers are fully committed to the theme. This year, the parade will feature a special section called Cat Ladies Unite. Participants can buy ticket Cat Ladies, although it is not yet clear what will be included in its price.

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