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Legendary Violinist Itzhak Perlman Sells Midtown Manhattan Mansion for $11,9 Million


ForumDaily New York

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Legendary violinist Itzhak Perlman has put his colorfully decorated New York home on the market for $11,9 million, reports New York Post.

Historical townhouse, a turn-of-the-century home on the Upper West Side, is sure to make a splash with its indoor pool and sauna.

Itzhak Perlman and his wife Tobi are violinists and founders of the Perlman Music Program for gifted young musicians.

The last time they exhibited house for sale for $17,5 million in 2022.

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Itzhak Perlman, 79, is an Israeli-American who has won 16 Grammy Awards.

Perlman still performs around the world and is set to tour this fall. The violinist is known for his work as a world-class conductor and teacher, among other things. His voice can be heard each year on New York City classical radio station WQXR on the holiday and Passover programs.

Swimming pool, sauna, garden and terrace

The house, which is located near Central Park on West 70th Street, was built in 1901.

The 740 square metre home has five bedrooms, five bathrooms and four powder rooms, as well as six fireplaces. There is also about 140 square metres of private outdoor space, including a rooftop terrace, veranda and garden.

It's one of the few Upper West Side townhouses that boasts a pool and sauna, the listing notes.

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Design details include hardwood floors and an abundance of custom woodwork.

The spacious living room has 3,6m ceilings. The kitchen on the main floor is very large - a 'chef's dream', and the sunny dining room has skylights and easy access to the garden.

The house is close to Lincoln Center, as well as the Metropolitan Museum of Art, and is easily accessible on foot through Central Park.

The Perlmans love the Upper West Side, friends say, but now that their children are gone, they're looking to downsize.

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Details of the sale of the mansion can be viewed here.

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